Korunai Organization in Divostra | World Anvil
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The Korunai (Sylvan: lit. 'witches') are a druidic order entrusted with protecting the remnants of Turvandil. They were founded following the Feywild Exodus, as primal mages escaped persecution by the fairies who saw powerful non-fairy magic users as a threat to their rule.


When the fairies overthrew the first Eladrin during their conquest of the Feywild, one of their first actions was to suppress the use of arcane magic by the non-fairy inhabitants of the plane. Oona proclaimed the use of magic by non-fairy creatures an imprisonable offense and her followers spread propaganda about the dangers of unsanctioned magic usage, with fairy loreweavers spinning tales of how the enslavement of the other fey races was a result of their past magic usage. Written histories were destroyed and historians executed to prevent their knowledge from passing to future generations. Over the years, history became legend as propaganda became truth.   However, the Feywild was an inherently magical place, pulsing with the dream energy of the Prime Material, and the many creatures that dwelled within the Feywild maintained a deep connection to primal magic that could not be suppressed by the fairies' persecution. Those who escaped the purges formed clandestine villages on the periphery of the Feywild, living in self-sufficient, primitive communities where they were free to preserve the practice of primal magic that their ancestors had utilized for generations. Those residing within the fairy's dominion referred to these enclaves as the Korunai, the sylvan term for a good witch. While the Korunai kept the ancient traditions alive, legends of their existence provided a source of curiosity and hope for those living under the fae's oppressive rule.   The fairies viewed the Korunai as a threat to their rule, not only due to their proficiency with magic, but also because their existence provided hope. The fairies regulardly engaged in raids on Korunai villages, killing or capturing the inhabitants and forcing the survivors to flee further into the dangerous forests of the Feywild. This remained the status quo for centuries, the fairies cementing their grip on power as the Korunai scattered into small pockets of resistance throughout the plane.


Feychildren (Nin'korunai)

  • Circle of Dreams

  • Sehanine

    Furriers (Sil'korunai)

    The Furriers originated from a nomadic band of changelings called the Sil'korunai that travelled to the far reaches of Divostra in the Age of Fables, secreting their shard of Turvandil into the Rustwood of Gondril. Their patron deity is Silvanus, the Protector of the Wood, and their ranks are primarily composed of changelings, firbolg, and gnomes. The Sil'korunai specialize in the primal magic of animal conjuration and shapeshifting.

    Luminous Seers (Lun'korunai)

    The Lun'korunai were the descendants of Feywild exiles who witnessed a shooting star in the southern sky and embarked on a centuries-long pilgrimage to find its crash site, migrating south through the Bala Desert and the Urkesh Highlands before discovering the crashed remnants of a Je'er planar ship. Their patron deity is Selune, the Moonmaiden, the Eladrin archdruidess who led the Lun'korunai through the wilderness and would later ascend to godhood during the Titanomachy. The Luminous Seers make their home in Sabyn, where their religious practices were adopted by the native Je'er. The order is now composed mostly of Eladrin and Je'er, though they welcome new members from all ethnicities. Their druids specialize in lunar and tidal magics.

    Mosswardens (Pan'korunai)

    The Mosswardens formed from satyrs fleeing the Feywild during the exodus. They brought with them esoteric beliefs in the forest spirits that gave rise to Pan, whom they worship as their primary deity. Their ranks are primarily made up of kitsune, wood elves, satyr, and centaur. Their society is predominantly vegetarian and agrarian and they practice the primal magics that control plant growth and decay.  



    The Than'korunai were the circle of the Korunai entrusted with guarding Corellon's tomb following his ascension to godhood. The leader of the circle received a vision from Thanáta tasking them with safeguarding the Tomb of Remembrance for an unknown purpose, and the druids renamed themselves the Than'korunai in honor of their divine mission. The Than'korunai were nearly completely wiped out during their first encounter with the recently ascended goddess Lolth. The Spider Queen corrupted the elven members of the circle and turned them into the first Drow, then ordered them to slaughter the rest of the circle. A few druids managed to escape the massacre, but the circle dissolved once they had failed the original mission as Lolth gained possession of their shard of Turvandil.
    Founding Date
    7575 PS
    Religious, Druidic Circle
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