Than'korunai Organization in Divostra | World Anvil
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The Than'korunai were one of the five druidic circles of the Korunai dedicated to protecting a shard of Turvandil. Named after their patron deity Thanáta, the druids of the Than'korunai were tasked with safeguarding the Tomb of Remembrance for some unkown purpose, a task which they failed when the spider queen Ish'kanah corrupted the elves of the Than'korunai and ordered them to slaughter the non-elves among them.   The Than'korunai that escaped the massacre scattered, integrating into communities throughout Shandalar and eastern Innulthac, with some venturing as far south as the Balar Desert. Their descendants continue to worship Thanáta and seek to recover the stolen shard of Turvandil from Ish'kanah.   The Than'korunai who were slaughtered by the drow were reborn as the Erim-Ghishar, loyal servants of Thanáta who act as her agents across the planes.

Not even in death does duty end.

Dissolution Date
5024 PS
Druidic Circle
Parent Organization


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