Shadow Clan Shaman Hidden Depths Character in Dierde | World Anvil

Shadow Clan Shaman Hidden Depths (/ˈʃæ.doʊ klæn ˈʃeɪ.mən ˈhɪd.ɪn ˈdɛp.θɪz/)

Shadow Clan Shaman Hidden Depths (a.k.a. "Depth")

Hidden Depths is a no-nonsense Tabaxi shaman with yellow eyes and wild orange hair. Though she may appear gruff and rough around the edges, there is a hint of deep wisdom and compassion in her eyes.
  Hidden Depths is a no-nonsense woman who speaks her mind and always strives to do what is right. She is fiercely loyal to her clan and her friends, and will go to great lengths to protect them. She can be gruff and rough around the edges, but has a compassionate heart and a great deal of wisdom  
I will do whatever it takes to protect my clan and friends   I have a deep connection to the land and my clan, and I will do anything to keep them safe   I can be hard-headed and stubborn, and I don't always take the best course of action


Hidden Depths was born in 1925 KC in the Fractured Hills to the Blinding Wild Clan of the Fractured Hills. She was a part of Meklan's Marauders, a rogue band of adventurers, until she returned to her clan to become their shaman. She is an experienced traveler and has seen much of the world, but she is still fiercely loyal to her clan and friends  


Hidden Depths is a Tabaxi woman with yellow eyes and orange hair, standing at 5'1" and weighing 155 lbs. She has a slight but muscular build, with a wild and feral look about her  

Speaking Style

Hidden Depths speaks with a thick Highland accent, using a gruff and direct tone. Her vocabulary is peppered with old sayings and phrases from her travels, and her favorite phrase is "the gods are with us

Depth is Shadow's Clan Shaman. Unknown to party, although she has been brought up occasionally.

Character Location
Current Location
Last seen at The Fractured Hills
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Neutral Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1925 KC 98 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The Year might be wrong...
Current Residence
155 lbs.