Dierde Shadows 21'st Nameday

Shadows 21'st Nameday

Life, Milestone


As was the custom, on Shadow’s 21st name day she was visited by the Clan Shaman shaman. He told her that she would accomplish much in her life and affect many, both good and evil. He also gifted her a gold coin engraved with the silhouette of an unfamiliar-looking cat. "This coin comes from a land far away", he told her. "Keep it close, keep it safe, and may you always be protected".   The following week Shadow set out into the snow, eyes bright and cheeks still warm from her family's kisses, to fulfil her calling into learning the ways of the Ranger.

Related Location
The Shadowed Highland
Related timelines & articles
Master DM Timeline (article)
Menagerie: Shadow (article)
The Wild Cards of Dierde (article)