Orb of Dragonkind Item in Dierde | World Anvil

Orb of Dragonkind

These mythical objects claim to summon and control evil dragons. For some time there have been rumors of an orb near the Specklewood Grove possibly in the Dwarven mines of Mughulihr.   This item has come up in a few discussions for the Wild Cards (formerly and unofficially the Mighty Menagerie)    
Shadow in the Snow thinks of the Dragon and how it flew North. She thinks of her survival in these lands -- she and Bastion Bladesinger speak of where the Dragon may have gone. Bastion Bladesinger speaks of how Red dragons tend to live near volcanoes or where Magma may be deep in the earth. Shadow in the Snow knows there are some volcanoes in the waterfall's mountain range.   Elder hears them and she tells them the blood told her the name of the Dragon is Almandine. He is a cocky Dragon who craves power & wealth. He was promised knowledge about an Orb of Dragonkind from the warlock if he did this.   An Orb of Dragonkind is believed to be myth, an artifact Bastion Bladesinger had learned of while in his studies. If it is true, it is buried in history. They can summon evil dragons -- unlike the Crystal at outding which was an impromptu item to control that Dragon. These orbs are sentient, if they are real -- according to the myths. Each of these spheres are believed to be individuals. The Archfey admits she doesn't know if they are real -- but she knows it isn't where the warlock believes it is. A mining community on Eushia.
and again in Session 59: Outding Homecoming Report
Item type
Unique Artifact