Church of the Trinity Organization in Dessend | World Anvil
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Church of the Trinity

The Church of the Trinity is composed of three reformed faiths that cooperate and work together in harmony. While each of its followers serves a single patron deity, they share a common belief in creating a peaceful world by balancing freedom, nature, and authority.


The followers of the Church of the Trinity believe in achieving harmony through unity. They believe that by balancing respect for personal freedoms, nature, and ruling authority, the world can achieve peace and everyone can prosper. The specifics of how each person worships depends on which of the Trinity they select as their patron, but no one would do anything that would offend any of the three goddesses.

Public Agenda

Servants of the Church devote themselves to helping others and preserving the delicate balance of harmony. They offer guidance and advice to both individuals and local governments on how to achieve their objectives without disrupting the balance, or how to restore it if it has been disturbed.

Divine Origins

The Church of the Trinity was founded by the three goddesses: Kybaleen, Serrisona, and Nromrore. The goal was to stop senseless fighting that began to occur when cities with mixed populations attempted to establish local places for worship. They collaborated to strip down the practices of their individual religions to create a version that would not offend the followers of the others. Due to its general nature and the lack of extreme practices, the Church of the Trinity quickly spread to become a dominant religion in the world.

Tenets of Faith

Each of the goddesses hold different tenets for their specific followers.   For followers of Kybaleen:
  1. Nature must be respected in all of its forms.
  2. Have compassion for others, but shun those who are callous in their nature.
  3. Be willing to forgive those who have wronged you.
  4. A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet.
  5. Chastity denies life to the unborn.
For followers of Nromrore:
  1. Never stop reaching for new heights, never settle for what you have.
  2. Choose your own purpose, never let anyone decide for you.
  3. Take every opportunity that comes your way.
For followers of Serrisona:
  1. Do not hide from you fears, pursue them.
  2. Never shy away from a hard day's work.
  3. Lies always come out. Truth is the key to lasting alliances.


In general, the Church of the Trinity promotes open-mindedness and acceptance, as one would expect from a religion formed from three opposing views. The Church advocates for gender equality and accepts relationships of all types, with the exception of those involving incest or non-intelligent creatures. The Church also allows for the legitimization of bastards, but considers deceptive adultery to be a criminal offense. While the practice of magic is generally accepted, the Church strongly discourages consorting with demons and spirits. Additionally, killing a close family member is considered a crime more heinous than murder alone.


In theory, the Church of the Trinity is led by the Trinity themselves, but due to its widespread reach, each region has a High Church governed by a council of three Archbishops. Their responsibility is to commune with their respective goddess and lead the rest of the clergy in fulfilling their wishes. The clergy in each region are chosen by the local faithful, while the Archbishops are elected by the rest of the clergy. Any member of the clergy, including the Archbishops, can be removed from their position by their followers if they are believed to be neglecting their duties or misusing their authority.


Despite the success of the Church of the Trinity, there are still orthodox followers of each of the three goddesses who adhere to their original, unreformed faiths with all their practices. Many consider these followers to be extremists, while the orthodox believers view the Church of the Trinity as traitors to their respective religions. However, there is more animosity between the different orthodox groups than toward the unified church, especially between the followers of Chaotica and Sathos.

Everything in Harmony

Alternative Names
The Trinity, The Reformed, Faith Traitors
Predecessor Organizations


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