Serrisona Character in Dessend | World Anvil
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Serrisona, a divine figure, is known for her knowledge, wisdom, and leadership. She is portrayed as a phoenix goddess with pearly-white feathers and glowing orange eyes, symbolizing her divine nature. Serrisona was born as a R'vathi and was renowned for her ability to organize information and people. She was involved in politics and governance, bringing order to the chaos of her homeland, Soukara. Her efforts earned her the respect and admiration of those she governed, who saw her as a wise and just leader.   Serrisona's legacy persisted, with her followers passing down stories of her wisdom and leadership to future generations. Over time, these stories took on a mythical quality, with Serrisona becoming a legendary figure who embodied the ideals of knowledge and order. In a time of great need, her devotees turned to her memory for guidance and hope, inadvertently elevating her to godhood, transforming her into the pearly-white phoenix goddess she is today. Her teachings reflect her commitment to social justice and the importance of creating a fair and just society for all.

Divine Domains

  • Animals: Featherkind
  • Environment: Sky
  • Elements: Fire, Air
  • Alignment: Law
  • Celestial Body: Sun
  • People: Nobility
  • Life State: Death
  • Being: Creation
Pathfinder: Air, Fire, Law, Knowledge, Nobility, Rune, Sun


The Bow of Order is a powerful artifact crafted by Serrisona, the goddess of order and law, as a symbol of her authority and a weapon for her chosen champion. This magical bow is renowned for its exceptional accuracy and its ability to always find the weak spots in armor and cover, ensuring that its arrows hit their mark with devastating precision.   In addition to its unparalleled accuracy, the Bow of Order also possesses powerful anti-magic abilities. When fired, its arrows can create zones of calm and anti-magic fields, which can prove invaluable in combat against magic users or creatures with magical abilities.   Perhaps most intriguingly, the Bow of Order possesses a unique ability to harm beings of chaos who try to wield it. This makes it a potent weapon against chaotic creatures or those who seek to disrupt the natural order of things. However, the bow will never function properly for such beings, as it is a symbol of order and law and will only work for those who uphold those values.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex of the Learned is a truly remarkable collection of knowledge that has been accumulated by the followers of Serrisona. This vast series of tomes contains a wealth of information on a variety of subjects, from history and science to philosophy and theology. Many scholars from across the world make pilgrimages to the seat of her faith in order to study from these tomes, and those who are able to gain access to them count themselves lucky indeed. The Codex of the Learned is a testament to Serrisona's commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding and her belief that education is a vital part of personal growth and spiritual development.   The Scroll of Divine Order, on the other hand, is a much more focused and specific document. Penned by Serrisona herself, this scroll outlines the core tenets and teachings of her faith, as well as a strict code of laws and regulations for the society that her faith governs. The Scroll of Divine Order reflects Serrisona's belief in structure and order and her conviction that a well-ordered society is essential for the spiritual well-being of its members. Those who adhere to the teachings of this scroll are expected to live their lives in accordance with its principles and to maintain a high standard of moral and ethical behavior at all times. The Scroll of Divine Order is a symbol of Serrisona's commitment to social justice and her belief in the importance of creating a fair and just society for all.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Animal: Bird
  • Specific Creature: Phoenix
  • Element: Fire
  • Weapon: Longbow
  • Mundane: Scroll

Tenets of Faith

  1. Uphold reason and the law.
  2. Do not engage in deceit or subterfuge.
  3. Victory comes to the deserving: the brave, the noble, the intelligent, and the forthright.
  4. A victory ignobly won is no victory at all.
  5. Knowledge is power, and it should be pursued and shared with all who seek it.
  6. Hard work and perseverance are necessary for achieving success and fulfilling one's goals.
  7. Social connections and collaboration are important for achieving one's goals.
  8. Honesty and transparency are essential for building trust and maintaining order in society.
  9. Justice and fairness are necessary for maintaining order and ensuring that everyone is treated equally.
  10. Self-control and moderation are essential for achieving balance in life and avoiding excess.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Victory over Chaos at almost any cost.

Physical Description

Body Features

During her mortal life as a R'vathi, Serrisona had honey-colored feathers, amber eyes, and auburn hair. However, she devoted little attention to the needs of her body, resulting in an emaciated look for much of her mortal existence.   After ascending to godhood, Serrisona assumed the form of a phoenix with pearly-white feathers and glowing orange eyes. Her accessory plumage and hair in R'vathi form also take on a fiery orange hue. Her divine nature prevents her from wasting away, granting her a shapely and graceful form that is revered as the epitome of beauty among the R'vathi.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Serrisona was born as a R'vathi, and in her mortal life, she was renowned for her studious nature and exceptional ability to organize information and people. Scholars and intellectuals of her time regarded her as a patron of learning and structure, and her influence grew as she became involved in politics and governance.   Using her knowledge and organizational skills, Serrisona brought order to the chaos of her homeland, Soukara. According to legend, she even proposed the creation of the Hanging Garden of Soukara as an organized breeding ground. Her efforts earned her the respect and admiration of those she governed, who saw her as a wise and just leader. As Serrisona's following expanded, she became a symbol of stability and order in a world that was frequently marred by conflict and disorder.   Even in death, Serrisona's legacy persisted, with her followers passing down stories of her wisdom and leadership to future generations. Over time, these stories took on a mythical quality, with Serrisona becoming a legendary figure who embodied the ideals of knowledge and order. In a time of great need, when her people were once again plunged into chaos, Serrisona's devotees turned to her memory for guidance and hope. Through their unwavering devotion and prayers, they inadvertently elevated Serrisona to godhood, transforming her into the pearly-white phoenix goddess that she is today.



Sister (Vital)

Towards Serrisona




Sister (Vital)

Towards Kybaleen




Sister (Vital)

Towards Nromrore




Sister (Vital)

Towards Serrisona



Divine Classification
Trinity Goddess
Kybaleen (Sister)
Nromrore (Sister)
Fiery orange
Long, sleek, fiery orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pearlescent white feathers
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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