Farming Outpost Six Settlement in Desolation | World Anvil

Farming Outpost Six

Farming Outpost Six, known colloqially as FOX, is the last remaining of seven stations once orbiting the planet of Desolation. It is in the shape of a circular disk, habitable on one side with machinery on the other. This machinery is upkept by dedicated spacewalker, who don space suits and brave the vacuum to perform repairs.


The FOX station is governed by the rules of the Council of Stars, who have multiple Spacekeepers positioned on the station to enforce their laws. This includes a curfew, dedicated working times, dedicated meal times, and dedicated relaxation times. These times are determined by the mayor of the station, who adjusts them based on light cycles and the underlyinc politics that the station is involved in. The mayor is monitored heavily by the Spacekeepers, and has little freedom - though slightly more than the rest of the station's inhabitants.


FOX was originally built as a secondaty station for the growth of plants, or more specifically, crops. Much of its infrastructure still reflects this, and it is a primary source of food for the rest of Desolation. However, it has also been modified to include more expansive housing, as the planet is no longer able to do so, nor is regular travel facilitated between the two.


FOX is one of the few places able to and specifically dedicated to the production of food. As such, it is a decently well-off settlement, with most of its inhabitants living fairly comfortably and needing not to worry about where they'll find their next meal.
Stand clear of the docking bay, docking bay opening. Stand clear of the docking bay, docking bay opening.
— An announcement heard nearly hourly across the entire station, including at night
Alternative Name(s)
Orbital, Station
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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