Quetzalcoatlus Species in Deadmouth Island | World Anvil
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Feathered Gliding Dinosaurs

The interior of Deadmouth Island is known to contain dinosaurs, once domesticated but now left to roam within a contained area.  The quetzalcoatlus, with its ability to glide over limited distances, is sometimes known to escape the interior home of these immense beasts and roam the island.  Massive creatures with a 30 foot wingspan, they spend much of their time on the ground, moving as an awkward quadraped, but they are dangerous in the air, from where they will attack their prey, heaving their heavy bodies up to a height before dropping towards their target on the ground and opening  their immense wingspan at the last moment to swoop by and attack.  Were it not that their body weight is too impractical to sustain in the air, they might be undisputed masters of the sky.  The quetzalcoatlus has a light covering of irridescent rainbow feathers that glisten in sunlight, and can cause a disorienting dazzling effect.
Genetic Descendants


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