Hope's Purpose Document in Dawn of Others | World Anvil

Hope's Purpose

Tiny, unseen gods are rewriting us as they see fit;  making us more and less than we once were. Changing us and the world as they move through it.   Evolution demands that only the most fit survive. They have made us, but it is now up to us to decide who is fit.   Will the living dead inheret the earth and mindlessly shamble over the ruins of everything that once made us great without ever understanding what it is that's at their feet?   Will the Others rise above using their mishapen bodies to call upon the river to wash us away?   Will the original human somehow prove to the makers that we are still deserving of this place?   Will our creations take up the world we are forced to leave behind?  


The book was written for Barrett's children. In it, he attempted to explain to them what life was like before the Fall and why Camp Hope was founded.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The book was donated to the New Medical Library where it has been copied like every other book added to the collection.

Historical Details


When Barrett Kory Averill died all of his possessions where divided between his surviving children as per his will. Within his belongings, they found this book that he had made by hand. After reading the contents and knowing the historical importance of their father, his children decided to donate the book to the New Medical Library.


Barrett Kory Averill was raised in the Time Before within the Christian faith. This faith was crushed with the Fall. However, his writing took on the flavor and tone of the religious texts that he grew up reading. Because of this, the book has been largely received as a religious document. It was used as a foundational text for the founding of  Church of Hope.
Authoring Date


Author's Notes

Artwork created in Adobe Express or taken from their stock photos. Camp logo in the bottom of side bar made using Logo Maker.

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