General Shambleburn Character in Dark Heresy: Somnium Reach | World Anvil
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General Shambleburn

As the official head of the PDF, Solan Shambleburn has jurisdiction over all actions related to their operation, as well as being a key facet in the post-war military effort. Unofficially, Shambleburn is little more than a figurehead kept in play so that the true ilitary leaders can remain in play.  

A difficult Introduction

As one of the guards under the new planetary governor, Shambleburn was selected to become the new head of the local PDF. His orders were to re-establish proper military structure and re-secure the noble sectors from the occupying, allied, military forces.
To say that Shambleburn was stonewalled would be an understatement. Captain Brookes was recognized by all planetary forces as the PDF's leader, her tactical capabilities and military insight lead most to assume that she would be promoted as soon as planetary order was re-established. The introduction of Shambleburn was seen as an insult to the near eighty years that Captain Brooke had dedicated to saving the planet.
With this, orders were given for Brooke to step down. Her retirement granted her a significant pension and a home within the noble sector, a home she then used to continue her work with the Olicanan Guard. Brookes efforts continued in an official capacity while Shambleburn continued to be shut down and largely ignored.

United Powers

Eventually, Shambleburn conceded and turned to Brookes. What began as an attempt to convince the old captain to hand over the reigns turned into something more. Shambleburn quickly came to realize that the ex-Captain held a far better capability as a General then himself, and so, the pair began to work together and learn from each other. Shambleburn acting as the official General while Brookes became tactician, retaking her place as the head of the PDF.


Captain Kate Brookes


Towards General Shambleburn



General Shambleburn


Towards Captain Kate Brookes



Year of Birth


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