Mulani, the Freewomen of Caer Thalion

Translating to 'woman of free will', a mulani is an unconnected woman who serves the men of Caer Thalion's armies. While other kingdoms would consider such women dirty or unethical, mulani are highly valued in Caer Thalion as an essential part of their warrior-centric society. They offer unmarried warriors relaxed, intimate companionship while not on assignment. It is a common profession chosen by women who would otherwise have nothing, such as those with no family, trade skills, or prospects for marriage.  


  Little is needed in order to seek the path of the mulani besides an acknowledgement that their previous life is gone. Girls younger than the age of majority serve as dancers and handmaidens in the kali'mulan - 'freewoman house' - until they are of age. Once of age, a mulani in training follows an elder mulani as an apprentice.  


Shika ("apprentice")

All prospective mulani are assessed by the matron of the kali'mulan they seek work at. Once past their assessment, they are assigned to an elder mulani, who serves as their mentor. Along with the skills needed to serve the kingdom's warriors, they are taught basic skills such as reading and writing, dancing, singing (if they have the voice for it), and weaving. Each kali'mulan is a community of its own, and mulani are expected to contribute to it. Once a shika succeeds in bedding her first warrior, the elder decides if she's ready to be alone. If so, the elder informs the matron, who organizes a small ceremony to fully welcome the new woman to their ranks.

Mula ("regular")

Mula have completed their training and earned the right to work alone. They are the most common, and range in demand based on individual skill. Mula are constantly seeking to improve their prestige by bedding warriors of significant status and reputation.

Y'vati ("elder")

Elders are those who have gained significant renown. They are in high demand, and warriors consider it an honor if an y'vati agrees to bed them. Despite what the name suggests, age is not a factor in a mulani gaining elder status; it is entirely determined by prestige and skill. Y'vati are often surprisingly wealthy due to gifts from regular lovers. Some gain enough wealth to leave the kali'mulan and take up a new life.

Mada'kali ("housemother/matron")

Achieving the status of mada'kali, or matron, is a great honor. A matron is the head of their kali'mulan, and is always an elder. Matrons are usually woman passed their prime, and rarely continue servicing warriors. Rather, they take it upon themselves to make sure their kali'mulan is running well and that the women under their charge are following the rules. Matrons are responsible for assigning new shikas to their y'vatis and elevating mulani to new ranks. Once a matron is ready to step down, she chooses an elder to take her place.



Unlike prostitutes in other kingdoms, mulani are not paid by the men they service. Rather, the kingdom provides them food, homes, and the basic supplies needed to work and live comfortably. High-standing mulani are also frequently given gifts by the warriors they service, some of which hold substantial value. It is frowned upon for a mulani to expect or ask for gifts or money. Women who do so are looked down upon, even shunned, by their fellows. As valued citizens of the kingdom, mulani are well-cared-for and well-protected by its warriors. Within the kali'mulan, they live lives of freedom and near-luxury that no men are allowed to spoil. Women who choose the life of a mulani take comfort in the knowledge that they are living their life as they choose, and that they are protected by the kingdom.


Despite their lives of relative freedom, mulani are expected to adhere to a core set of strict rules:

  • Your life is yours, as long as you bring no harm to others.
  • You may refuse service to any man, and any man may refuse service from you.
  • Gifts are a blessing. To expect them is to be nothing more than a common whore.
  • Maintain the sanctity of your house. Those who do not aid their sisters are no better than the slavers of Zarglyf.
  • Maintain cleanliness and purity. Mothers do not belong among the mulani.*
  • Above all, maintain the integrity of the mulani. Dishonest service is shameful and deserving of banishment.
*While mulani are not forbidden from having children or moving on to a different life if they choose, they are expected to take regular contraceptive measures. Bastard children are scorned and shunned, and mulani who allow a man to unknowingly sire a child with them are considered untrustworthy and irresponsible.    


Mulani are free to leave their life at any time, though to do so without warning is frowned upon. The most common reasons for a mulani to leave are that she's amassed enough wealth or skill to seek another profession, or that she's been offered marriage. Marriage offers to mulani are uncommon, and usually occur when the relationship between a mulani and a man they have regular contact with has evolved into true affection.

Mulani can also be forced to leave if they break the rules of their kali'mulan. When such an event happens, the woman's name is circulated throughout the city so that men who seek her services know that she is no longer supported by the kingdom.



Given the large number of young, single men who usually don't choose to marry until after several years of military service, the mulani provide a much-appreciated service. They offer companionship without commitment, and often help fresh warriors learn the give and take between men and women that is at the core of Caer Thalion's differences from Zarglyf. The life of a mulani can also give a woman greater freedom and sense of purpose that they might otherwise not have.

Social Status

Most mulani are regarded as simple commoners and are sometimes sneered at by higher classes, particularly noblewomen. However, mulani who have gained significant renown are treated with greater reverence, even awe, and can count themselves equal in status to merchant lord families or even minor nobility. The rare mulani who's service is engaged by members of royalty are treated almost like royalty themselves.


As their purpose is to serve the kingdom's warriors when off-duty, mulani are only found in Caer Thalion's larger cities where warriors live and train. In Durleik, the capital, over 30% of the women are mulani. Away from the cities, mulani are virtually nonexistent. Particularly in the desert clans, women are fiercely protected, and unknown men are treated with extreme suspicion.


While prostitutes have been around as long as civilization has, the actual role of mulani was not established until a few centuries into Caer Thalion's existence. As the kingdom grew, they were in constant conflict with Zarglyf to the north, the desert clans to the west and south, and raiders from the ocean in the east. Men were lost every day, leaving numerous women with no families and no jobs. Yet despite the high number of available women, few men were wiling to enter into a committed relationship when their likelihood of surviving their military career was so low. Thus, many women were left with no option but to sell themselves to survive, which many merchant lords and noblemen took advantage of. Often, women were so desperate to eat that they essentially became slaves to the men willing to take them.

The fates of all women in the kingdom changed when a well-known and well-regarded prostitute named Kashiva Ymi'nami approached the queen to explain her plight, and that of all the kingdom's women. Kashiva had slowly earned enough money over the years to purchase a large manor in Durleik. Calling herself a mulanita, or 'woman of free action', Kashiva informed the queen of her plan to open her home to the city's "working" women, providing them with food, basic supplies, and a safe place to live. Kashiva asked the queen to provide protection to them, in exchange for free service to warriors of honor. The queen, already aware of the growing number of "enslaved" women, agreed, and even convinced the king to provide monetary support to this new house of free women. Within a year, Kashiva had gathered over a hundred women in her house, all of whom received proper education and training. Warriors throughout the kingdom were pleased with their services, and those who mistreated the women or failed to follow the rules of the house were refused service. Eventually, Kashiva's house grew too full, and she approached the queen again. A second house was opened, and Kashiva chose a close friend to run it. Over time, even more houses opened, and the mulani became a recognized asset to the kingdom. Warriors appreciated them for the many services they provided, and non-mulani women appreciated the role they played in tempering what they saw as a man's natural ferocity. Kali'mulan became fully funded by the kingdom, and the mulani developed a core set of rules and expectations of both the mulani themselves and those seeking their services.



Modern-day kali'mulan are large enough that they rival temple complexes. They are usually comprised of a central manor - where warriors can request entertainment or companionship - surrounded by several smaller houses where the mulani live. Not all mulani work inside of a kali'mulan, however. Many frequent taverns and inns, offering their services to the men there. Sometimes they accompany a man to their home.

Provided Services

Although their primary purpose is to provide companionship to the kingdom's warriors, mulani also play a vital role in education. Girls and women of any age or class can take lessons in numerous facets of Thali life, from reading and writing to etiquette and dance. Similarly, young men can learn etiquette as well, especially the important balance between men and women in their society.

Dangers & Hazards

As they are protected by the kingdom, the dangers to mulani are few and far between. Anyone who harms a mulani or attempts to force them to perform a service will be arrested. Punishments for such infractions vary from fines to imprisonment, even execution in extreme cases. The most common "danger" to a mulani is a man who becomes too obsessed with them.
Public Services
Depending on the current state of conflict in the kingdom, mulaniare generally in high demand. Lulls occur when the armies are sent away from the cities.
Mulani are fully legal and sanctioned in Caer Thalion.


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