Zín'hir Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Zín'hir (ziːn.hir)

The first settlement of Haer'in, and it's old capital that has faded to obscurity over time. Nowadays it's mostly known as a nearly run-down settlement close to the Mouth of Dwarovar where some less valuable Gems are mined.


Elf majority, but also has quite a few Dwarves from being near Gau Dwarovar. A lot of Rangers tend to live around here, due to the town's past popularity as a Ranger destination.


The Wilderness - a large area surrounding the settlement where mushrooms and trees (due to the natural sunlight coming in through the Mouth of Dwarovar) grow. This is the closest thing to a forest of the Surface down here, filled with both beasts and monsters.   The Town - built around the roots of the largest trees, the town blends in with nature, and looks a bit run-down too.   The Gem Mines - old caverns where Gems are mined, entrances found near gigantic roots.


Was taken by Gau Dwarovar during the second Gau Dwarovar - Haer'in war, where they turned the former capital into a mining town of Gems. This is also when it lost its capital status. However in the second coalition war of Gau Dwarovar the settlement was taken back, and has been part of Haer'in ever since.   The town had its own Commander and military structure with divisions that were not responsible from defending the town, but the Mouth of Dwarovar instead called the Zín'hir Rangers - an organization that later became one of the famed Mercenary groups of the region. The Court Mage also held higher sway here, due to them being responsible for keeping the Magical Barrier the town once had functioning.

Points of interest

Founding Date
-4577 AoE
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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