Orb's Fare Merchant Guild Organization in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Orb's Fare Merchant Guild

Orb's Fare is the most powerful and competitive Merchant guild of Iore, Dreamwalk, and the entire Region of Dwarovar. Their symbol's physical form doubles as a compass.


The structure is linear, the members are ranked from 2 to lowest based on their yearly performance, so movement inside the guild is quite frequent. The higher ranked member has superiority on anyone ranked at least five places below them. This ranking system results in the top 5 members not having to answer to anyone, and the 6th member only having to answer to the Guild Leader - who always stands at the number one spot.


The guild is incredibly demanding, their competitive culture was the first of its kind that later got adopted by the League of the Coast and certain guilds of Ruanon. Members that underperform for the year are offered a voyage - a quest to an often incredibly deadly destination for much profit - to redeem themselves or are immediately let go from the guild. Their members need to constantly be working and frequently outperform themselves to keep pace, which results in a generally stressful, yet financially successful life.

Public Agenda

Their public agenda is to remain not only Iore's top merchant guild, but to build a truly global organization that stands at the top of the financial world. They promise the best quality, precise and need-based delivery, and the most competitive prices to their customers.


Its name is a reference to the Orb of Control.

Global goods with Iorian quality

Founding Date
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
Orb's Fare
Leader Title

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