Ajemaew Character in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Ajemaew (ɒhɛmɒɛv)

Guild Leader of Orb's Fare Merchant Guild and Member of the Dreamwalkers Council Ajemaew Nalaesolsil (a.k.a. The Silver-tongued Monster)

A short, yet incredibly charismatic and soft spoken Elf of commoner origins who rose to become the Guild Leader of Orb's Fare Merchant Guild and later one of the council members of the Dreamwalker Council. Despite his nickname and reputation of being as soulless as a monster, he's beyond competent in everything he deems worth touching and even moves entire markets when he starts investing into an asset.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1610 SM 138 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
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