Manvar's Cove Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Manvar's Cove (mɒnvɒrz kəʊv)

The settlement is strangely uniform, everything's built with the same design of marble and sandstone. To the outside it looks beautiful, but it is quite difficult to navigate due to the similarness of the streets. It's sometimes called Tax Cove due to the headaches it gives to tax collectors who always miss a lot of houses.




The Manvar dynasty has ruled this settlement ever since its independence. The Ruler elections are more symbolic due to the cutthroat politics of the Manvars and their supporters.


There is a cliff that separates Manvar's Cove into two: The Outer Cove and The Inner Cove. There are no distinctions between the districts, everything can be found in both, apart from the palace being in the inner cove.

Guilds and Factions

None documented.


The settlement was born of a rebellion led by Elves, and became the first settlement of Elkinhold that was not ruled by a Dwarf, bringing forth a period where the nation started slowly shifting government systems from Dwarf rule to a modern hierarchy.   Manvar's Cove then remained as an extension of Elkinhold until it embraced the law of common rule - allowing non-dwarves to rule too. It was ruled by the Manvars for a long time after that.   Gau Dwarovar then took the settlement over during The First Hunt, finally gaining full control after executing the last of the Manvars in Steelfort.
Founding Date
-4211 AoE
Alternative Name(s)
Tax Cove
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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