Baehyl Bruhn Character in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Baehyl Bruhn

I will seek Vengeance on Nightscale for what that beast did to my Family.. and then maybe I can live my wretched life in silence.
- Braehyl, on her opinion of Nightscale

I do quite enjoy letting you listen in on my feasts. It reminds me of that time I pickled and then ate your parents.
- Nightscale, inside of Baehyl's Head

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Baehyl Bhrun was born in the Ruins of Methegrist nestled deep in the Moonwood, far from the bustling cities and grand libraries of the civilized world. From a young age, she had a thirst for knowledge and spent most of her time exploring the forests and studying the natural world around her. She was a brilliant scholar and had a natural affinity for magic, which she used to protect her village and the people she loved. Unfortunately the Order that her family followed, the Moonwatchers, was only a distant memory held by her bloodline alone.

10 years ago, a powerful Black Dragon named Nightscale descended upon her village, wreaking havoc and destruction. The dragon, a being of pure evil, slaughtered everyone in its path, including Baehyl's family. In a desperate attempt to save her loved ones, Baehyl engaged the dragon in combat, but was gravely injured when Nightscale's acidic poison coursed through her veins. She managed to escape with her life, but not before losing three of her toes to the dragon's venom.

Despite her injury, Baehyl was determined to seek revenge against Nightscale. She dedicated herself to learning all she could about dragons, hoping to one day find a way to bring down the beast that had taken everything from her. Without even realizing it she had resurrected the spirit of the Ancient Order of the Moonwatchers. As she grew older, Baehyl became increasingly obsessed with her quest for vengeance. She poured over ancient texts and sought out powerful artifacts, determined to find a way to defeat Nightscale and avenge her family. She searched for a ring that would protect her from the dragon's poison and for dragonscale armor that would protect her from the beast's deadly physical attacks. However, no one was willing or able to stand up against the mighty dragon, and Baehyl was forced to become a lone wolf, relying on her own skills and abilities to surviveā€¦ and seek vengeance.

In the years that followed, Baehyl discovered that the dragon's poison had left a lasting mark on her mind as well as her body. She could still hear Nightscale's sadistic thoughts in her head, and the dragon's presence seemed to grow stronger over time. Desperate to rid herself of this curseand to avenge her family, Baehyl turned to the path of the paladin and the Oath of Vengeance. She took this oath, pledging to use her powers to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who would do harm. And so, armed with her knowledge and her divine powers, Baehyl sets out on a quest to track down Nightscale and bring an end to its reign of terror once and for all.
Long, Thick Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
This content was homebrewed by DM Baklor. Thank you to my players for making it awesome! All Rights Reserved.