House Bruhn Organization in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

House Bruhn

House Bhrun were a noble order of paladins dedicated to protecting the people of the Moonwood. They had been founded generations ago, when the Moonwood was threatened by a great evil. The Moonwatchers fought bravely against the darkness, wielding the power of the moon and the divine blessings of their gods to defend their home. They succeeded in their mission, and for many years after, the Moonwood was a peaceful and prosperous place.

As the generations passed, however, the Moonwatchers began to grow complacent. The dangers that had once threatened their home seemed like distant memories, and the order gradually fell into obscurity. By the time Baehyl Bruhn was born, the Moonwatchers were little more than a memory, kept alive only by her family's bloodline.

Despite this, Baehyl's parents were determined to keep the spirit of the Moonwatchers alive. They trained their daughter in the ways of combat and magic, instilling in her a love of knowledge and a desire to protect the innocent. They were proud of her thirst for knowledge and her natural affinity for magic, and they encouraged her to explore the Moonwood and study the natural world around her.

Tragically, their efforts were cut short when Nightscale, the powerful black dragon, descended upon their village. Baehyl's parents fought bravely against the beast, but they were no match for its strength and savagery. They perished alongside their fellow villagers, leaving Baehyl alone and grieving.

Despite their tragic end, Baehyl's family would be proud of her determination and bravery. They would be heartened to know that the spirit of the Moonwatchers lives on through their daughter, and that she continues to fight for the safety and well-being of their home in the Moonwood.
Geopolitical, Protectorate
This content was homebrewed by DM Baklor. Thank you to my players for making it awesome! All Rights Reserved.