Session 11 Report-Nighscale's Lair-2023/03/11 Report in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session 11 Report-Nighscale's Lair-2023/03/11

General Summary

Between Sessions-Side Quest for Cinderpetal:
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Collecting Cinderpetals on The Mountainside

Despite the desire/interest to delve into the Forge, the group decided that going out to find the materials (Cinderpetal)for Courana's potential to create Torbor Poison to weaken the Dragon. They issued some "commands" to the remaining dwarves to protect the Forge and the Foundry, which they seemed pretty happy to oblige to (out of lack of knowing what else they would do otherwise). Courana agreed to stay in the Foundry to stufy the Alchemy books further in prep for the upcoming task.

STEALTH/STRENGTH/DEX: The party managed to sneak out of the Foundry and and through the Glitterhame without being notice by any of the "locals". They did almost get caught by the maurauding Troglodytes in the Glitterhame on the way back in, but Byjorn and Baehyl helped the party make a sneaky escape.

SURVIVAL/NATURE: While most of the party was relieved to see the Sunshine and get out into some fresh air, Byjorn was not (Gray dawrves don't like sunshine). Camzel led the way through the mountain foothills with her knowledge of how to hike and forage for food along the way while avoid dangerous animals, and Byjorn was surprisingly helpful in nagivating the harder areas of travel (mostly due to laziness). THe party was able to collect 2 Small sacks of Cinderpetals, approximately 2x as much as Courana stated that she would need. Farlen has a Bag of Holding, so why not?

As the sun was setting and the party was about to enter the tunnel to the Glitterhame again, they heard a monstrous roar, and when they looked they saw a large flying beast the size of a large horse swooping down towards the lake below. "Nightscale..." muttered Bahyl under her breath, with much disdain. We don't know what Nightscale said to Baehyl inside her head, but it was no doubt of a taunting nature. The party hoped that nothing happened to the Gray Dwarves and Courana inside of the mountain as they saw Nightscale enter.

HISTORY/INSIGHT: Camzel and Baklor asked Baehyl to tell them more about the Dragon, and it was obviously painful for Baehyl to talk about it. She was able to describe just how sadistic and terrible Nightscale was to her village, which paled in comparison to what Baehyl saw inside of the lair at the bottom of Khudrukar. Baehyl's only real conclusion was "This beast and the evil within it needs to be sent to the afterlife. The gods can judge the creature there".

On the trip back, Farlen and Byjorn has a chance to bond; it turns out they both enjoy the serenity of a quiet forest (albeit a difference in preference of sunlight vs. shade) with birds chirping. As they talked, they shared with each other that they both have an uneasy feeling about this Torbor poison.
Farlen wonders aloud:

It sounds too good to be true. I have a whole book on dragons and it doesn't mention anything about this in any of the sections, including the one on Black Dragons. I'm not sure what is is, but something isn't right here.
Byjorn, in his typical non-chalant style, says
"I don't like it either... but I've never seen a dragon before. What's the worst that could happen?".

The party makes it safely back to the forge, materials in hand. Courana and the Dwarves are ready and waiting for the party when they return.

Potion Commotion

As the party wakes from their slumber to recover from their trek outside the mountain, they wake up to Courana, appearing very mad scientist-like. She has a concoction of glass tubes and vials bubbling around here. Seems like the gray dwarves helped her procure and build this contraption She expresses calmly as she eyes up a glass beaker: "I THINK I’ve got this figured out…"

Farlen asks Courana "Did you get any of the dwarves to confirm your translation of the recipe and book?"

Courana looks over to Baklor
Baklor responds “This is a form of ancient Dwarvish that I don’t fully comprehend. But as far as I can tell it does suggest that this concoction Courana is making will weaken a black Dragon. It’s also appears to caution the reader ‘creating the brew is one thing, administering it is a whole different Endeavour. Black dragons are cunning beasts and not to be taken lightly.”

Baklor: "I have an announcement to make to the group. Courana and I have taken quite a liking to each other. I came seeking treasure but instead I have found love. Given Courana will not fare well in a dragon fight, her and I have chosen to stay here in the forge… together. Against my best judgements, she has convinced me to let you all have the loot from the sacred forge, and then we will rebuild when you are gone. Said another way, I will not be coming with you to fight the beast down below. But I give you my best… and may Malar bless your effort."

Courana doesn’t look up from her work, but cracks a positive smile

Farlen is shocked by Baklor's announcement! He thinks to himself if this could be the work of the succubus? He is not completely sure if they destroyed it in the fight earlier. He just knows that it disappeared. "I'm concerned about you and Courana staying behind. We have only know you guys a short time. What's our guarantee that one of you will not cut the ropes when we are going down or after we get down? As far as we know that is the only way back up for us!"

Baklor: "Well if the last few days of battle together and my willingness to give up my share of the loot in the Forge is not enough to win your trust, then I don't suppose I will ever have it. It is of no matter; the decision is made. Courana and I would not be able to defend ourselves against this powerful party so ifyour require us to leave so that we can be together, then we can make it so. We will come back after you are long gone so that Courana can coninue to study this beautiful place and I can figure out how to make a run at running a Dwarven Forge, like my ancestors once did."

Farlen: "I just know how fast members of this party turned on the previous inhabitants of the forge and now your talking about stay up here, our only way out. What about a deal? You join us in killing the black dragon and I'll let you have a book I found on operating the forge along with the 3 gray dwarves to help run it?"

Farlen rolls a 14 on pursuasion check. Baklor leans in towards Farlen, and gets a very serious look on his face. "I came here for treasure, not to fight a dragon. But I do long for battle and if I intend to live here with Courana and be successful then I need this beast gone, and I could use your knowledge from the books you have. I will help you slay the Dragon. BUT I have one question. How can we ensure that Courana can be protected while I am gone?"

Courana: "My love, I will be fine. I was fine when you left for your last adventure and the Foundry is well locked up. You are all going towards the only source of danger left... unless that weird lady from the Library comes back. And I promise I will stay out of the library until you return... just come with me to get some books before you go! It will be ok, I promise"

Farlen: "The 3 gray dwarves and her can lock themselves in the foundry. They should be safe enough in there until we return and in the off chance we don't they can let themselves out and make it out of the mountain and get to the closest village a days walk from here. The only other stipulation is I would like a copy of the book sent to me translated into common. That shouldn't be to hard for the 2 of you to do."

Baklor is visibly annoyed "You are pushing your luck, friend. You wouldn’t have gotten this far without me helping to talk to Nimira and the dwarves in the first place, and now you continue to make demands, including risking my life on your behalf. I owe you nothing, and in fact, I would argue that you owe me. I’m a warrior, not a scholar, so I’m not going to spend my time translating a book from a language I barely understand. my demands are that I get my fair share of the loot from both the Forge and the Dragon lair. If im going to risk death then I must share in the spoils!"

Courana walks past Baklor and puts her hand lovingly on his chest as she passes. She walks right up to Camzel hands her the Torbor poison to weaken the dragon and says "I trust that you can take care of this, despite the squabbling that the boys might get into?" she walks back in between Farlen and Baklor As if to try and diffuse the sutuation "Hunny- you know you want to go kill the dragon. I’ll be fine. Let me see if I can work on this book while you are gone. Get rid of the beast so we can live here happily and our friends (who have taken very good care of me!) can be on their way."

Farlen: "I was not making any demands. I simply said I would like a copy of the book. You were the one who said you would give up your share of the forge loot. I wouldn't have let you not take part of it because you earned it just as much as we had! I didn't make you do that. If you don't want to help us then so be it. Have fun dealing with the dragon on your own if we fail. I'm done talking! I'm quite sure I can find someone back in Waterdeep that can translate the book into common for me."Farlen turns on his heels and walks off to go explore the rooms behind the one they slept in.

Everyone else turns and walks away. Baklor is left standing there alone... a bit befuddled, a bit upset, and a bit angry. He mutters under his breath:
"Every. Time. Damn you Malar..."

Farlen also whispers under his breath as he walks away: "Fenmarel save me from these people who think they are so much better then everyone else! I'm so sick of it all. Guide my hand and weapons in the battle to come so that I and my fellow travelers return to Waterdeep safely. "

I had slain every kind of dragon except the Black. Mighty reds, Cunning Blues, Dangerous Greens, and Primal whites all pale to the horrors that I found in that lair. At first, it seemed like any other foul beasts lairs, but then I stumbled upon, and smelled the feeding chamber. I turned back and never took another Black Dragon contract.
- Radiald Dragon Hunter

You go first, no YOU go first

It puts the arrow in it's head
The party happens upon a horric situation that can be heard well before it can be seen. There is a man in a deep pit of mud, one arm rotted off, and agonizing in pain.

Without an ounce of hesitation, Camzel pipes up:
I say we put him out of his misery. He's no use to us or himself in this condition.
The party all looked at Camzel and nodded their heads... if anything to just make the suffering stop... and then she did the deed.
and the body lay lifeless... but silent.

The party looked around and could see the tip of what appeared to be an island, full of small, shiny things. Farlen Eldor granted the party water-walking and they strode across the water to the island... quite brazingly I might add!

Nothing suspicious about this Island Full of Gold and Bones...

They found the shiney's (lots of gold!), but they also found an altar thjat was set up for "feeding", and the remains of dozens and dozens of creatures, both human and otherwise. This was definitely Nighscale's Treasure Hoard.

Yes, it in fact, was a trap
Without warning, the horse-sized creature swam up behind the party like a crocodile, leaped out of the water onto a rock, and stoof atop it as if to bask in her own glory that her guests had arrived for dinner.
After some small "pleasantries", the party was not having any of it, and attacked. Unfortunately for the party, having never fought a Dragon before (and despite Baehyl Bruhn's planning, stood in a nice straight line for Nightscale to spray them with acid.
Nightscale flew into the Air whre Camzel attempted a shot at her, but missed. Nightscale dove deep into the Water and the party was left alone, unsure what to do.

After a brief silence, Nightscale popped out of the water and onto the ground near Baehyl Bruhn and Farlen Eldor. There were a few good shots taken and then Nightscale called for backup.
Come my pretties...
The Lizardfolk surrounded the party, and began to attack from all sides. The Gray Dwarves, Ebron, Thoren, and Regmir proved their value as worthy fighters, holding off and eventually killing two of the Lizardmen using their Phalanx Formation.
As Nightscale went to take off again, Camzel Raine took out another Walloping Arrow, and this time went right through the Dragon's Wing. The beast fell to the ground Prone, putting the creasture as disadvantage to the party's attacks.

Farlen Eldor did not waste time putting his vile of poison into action. It seems like the moment he looked down the Chimney into Khundrukar, he wanted to kill something with poison!! (:D) He ran up to the beast and smashed the vile into its throat, forcing it to ingest the Torpor poison that Courana made for them.

Almost immediately the dragon went limp and the party knew the end was near.

After a few brief moments, Nightscale opened her eyes, raised her head, and in a Courana's EXACT voice said "Damn you all. I was so close!"

Baehyl Bruhn raised her Longsword of Sharpness over her head and severed the Beast's head from it's Torso.
I told you I'd come back for you!
As soon as the Dragon's body went limp, the ground and mountain began to shake once more...
The party felt a cold, dull, felling come over them... and they could see their breath in the damp air. A portal opened up in front of them!
Such a shame... she was a useful tool. Now what am I going to do with you?
-Red Wizard

And we will continue next time...


Rewards Granted

From The Forge
  • 320gp, 1,100sp, gold necklace set with ruby stones worth 900gp
  • potion of Hill Giant Strength
  • 10 iron ingots (1sp each)
  • 1 gold ingot (50gp)
  • 1 mithril ingot (2,500gp)
  • Longsword of Sharpness

From Nightscale
  • 600 cp, 9000 sp, 2200 gp, 130 pp
  • a deck of ivory tarot cards inlaid with electrum (250 gp)
  • deck of ivory tarot cards inlaid with platinum (300 gp)
  • a porcelain tile adorned with platinum and a unicorn in relief (250 gp)
  • a rosewood plate engraved with dwarven script (250 gp)
  • a velvet merchant's cap trimmed with ermine (200 gp)
  • Potion of Supreme Healing
  • Potion of Flying
  • +2 Greataxe Bearing Durgeddin's Smithmark

Dragon Parts:
  • +1 Black Dragon Wing. Acts as a blanket. Can be mastercrafted (leatherworker’s tools) into a cloak that requires attunement, and grants its wearer resistance to acid damage. Additionally, the wearer may fly up to 40 feet as part of their move action. Once this property is used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.
  • +1 Black Dragon Tail. Acts as a magical whip +1. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Acid Immunity (grants immunity to acid damage for 1 hour).
  • +1 Black Dragon Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be mastercrafted (leatherworker’s tools) into the equivalent of one of the following: Studded Leather Armor +1, Scale Mail +1, or Splint armor +1. The armor requires attunement, and grants the attuned creature a swim speed of 30 feet and the ability to breathe underwater.
  • +3 Black Dragon Claws. Acts as a magical dagger that deals an additional 4 (1d8) Acid damage on a hit.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Forge of Fury
  • Deep Diggin'


Character(s) interacted with


Next game session the main plan will be to get back to Waterdeep and do some accounting of the items/loot/wealth that we all have given our new found abilities because we leveled up!
Clarksville D&D
Baklor Darkspear
Baehyl Bruhn
Report Date
22 Jan 2023
Primary Location
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This content was homebrewed by DM Baklor. Thank you to my players for making it awesome! All Rights Reserved.