Session 10 Report - 2023-01-21 Report in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session 10 Report - 2023-01-21

General Summary

Questioning The Guard
Camzel walked over to the guard and pulls 2 pieces of gold, playing with the coins while asking the guard some questions about himself… her main question is
How many are in the tribe?

The Dwarf Guard leans back casually and looks around himself and the chamber to ensure no one is looking. He snaps the coin of the air as Camzel is flipping it, and looks her dead in the eye.
This warband here is small, but mighty. We are but 10 strong, but I reckon Nimira is worth at least 5 stout men... I wouldn't mess with any of them if I were you, but I wouldn't even THINK of double crossing Nimira...

A Missing Archeologist
After coming back and sharing her info, the party realized that Courana was missing. This alerted the Guard and it was obvious he was nervous about this situation. He pressed the party that it was in everyone's interest to find her.

Baehyl Bruhn begins to look, seeing the ornate wooden doors of the Church, and also hearing murderous screams coming from the kitchen. Given how nervous the guard is about Nimira, Baehyl shoves the Dwarf Guard in first.

Is She In The Kitchen?
The party explored the dark, dusty, and clearly abandoned kitchen and pantry, finding nothing of value. However, there was a bright, clean, almost pristine place setting sitting on the table.
Everything was fine until Baehyl Bruhn sat down in the chair. And then you all met an old friend!

Baehyl Bruhn absolutely walloped the creature with a big Nat 20 (do the DM's shagrin), which caused the creature to call some of HIS friends.
Farlen has a skillful use of his Toll of the Dead to subdue the undead creatures, and the party took the opportunity to betray Nimira by killing the guard and one of her slaves.
He Dead!
- Camzel

Luckily, Camzel Raine was serving as a lookout, and was able to intercept Ghared before the betrayel could be found out.

Is She In The Library?
The party regrouped in the Great Hall and Nimira, somewhat annoyed, suggests that perhaps the bookworm is in the library. The party sets off to find here.

Baehyl Bruhn is the first to the library and as she touches the door, she hears:
So you think you and your new friends stand a chance against me? I can't wait to see you in my lair where I can... play with you.
-Nightscale, inside of Baehyl Bruhn's head

The party can tell that Baehyl Bruhn is struggling with something, and she spills the beans on her history and while she is hunting Nightscale.
Baehl Shares Her Story

10 years ago, a powerful Black Dragon named Nightscale descended upon her village, wreaking havoc and destruction. The dragon, a being of pure evil, slaughtered everyone in its path, including Baehyl's family. In a desperate attempt to save her loved ones, Baehyl engaged the dragon in combat, but was gravely injured when Nightscale's acidic poison coursed through her veins. She managed to escape with her life, but not before losing three of her toes to the dragon's venom.

Despite her injury, Baehyl was determined to seek revenge against Nightscale. She dedicated herself to learning all she could about dragons, hoping to one day find a way to bring down the beast that had taken everything from her. Without even realizing it she had resurrected the spirit of the Ancient Order of the Moonwatchers. As she grew older, Baehyl became increasingly obsessed with her quest for vengeance. She poured over ancient texts and sought out powerful artifacts, determined to find a way to defeat Nightscale and avenge her family. She searched for a ring that would protect her from the dragon's poison and for dragonscale armor that would protect her from the beast's deadly physical attacks. However, no one was willing or able to stand up against the mighty dragon, and Baehyl was forced to become a lone wolf, relying on her own skills and abilities to survive… and seek vengeance.

In the years that followed, Baehyl discovered that the dragon's poison had left a lasting mark on her mind as well as her body. She could still hear Nightscale's sadistic thoughts in her head, and the dragon's presence seemed to grow stronger over time. Desperate to rid herself of this curseand to avenge her family, Baehyl turned to the path of the paladin and the Oath of Vengeance. She took this oath, pledging to use her powers to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who would do harm. And so, armed with her knowledge and her divine powers, Baehyl sets out on a quest to track down Nightscale and bring an end to its reign of terror once and for all.

After learning this, the party was concerned that they had a spie on their hands, but the DM assured them that Nightscale can implant thoughts into Baehyl Bruhn's mind, but cannot see/hear what is going on around her. The DM also shared that Nightscale is very aware that you are very close to her lair, regardless of picking up the new party member or not.

Sure enough, Courana was inside of the library, happy as can be! The only difference is that this time, she had some potentially useful information. Based on her research, she believes:
  • A Black Dragon can be weakened with Torpor Poison
  • Torpor Poison requires Cinderpetal to craft
  • Based on some old maps in the library, there is likely Cinderpetal on the Northern slopes of Khundrukar

The party confirmed that the Duergar did not have Cinderpetal, and determined to deal with the opportunity later. But first, to clear out the Church!

A Not so Holy Shrine
Ghared showed the party the secret entrance to the Church. Baehyl Bruhn, Camzel Raine, and Baklor Darkspear burst in the front door while the remainder of the party went in the secret door for a surprise attack. They found a couple of Ogre Skeletons!
While pretty big and scary, they fell quickly.

The party then took the oppotunity to gang up on Ghared while they could, pretty easily overpowering her and taking her out. She was not missed.

Before the party could really celebrate it's wins, Baehyl Bruhn checked the rear to make sure the party was safe... unfortunately they were not.

Nimira and the remainder of her clan were waiting to give the party an ultimatum, and they knew of their betrayel.
Well done clearing out the haunted mess in this Foundry. I only wish that you didn't kill so many of my slaves along the way. No matter, the task is done as per our agreement. You can now choose to be on your way or you can face my clan in all of it's glory!
- Nimira

Naturally, the party decided to fight... but not before the Dwarfs could show that they had Courana in custody!

The party quickly took out the clothy, Snurrevin (note to DM-- put the squishies in the back!!)

For the first time, Camzel Raine really had some trouble shaking off one of the guard. Nimira did some serious work on Byjorn, but luckily his new pal Baehyl Bruhn was willing to give him his entire Lay on Hands pool. Byjorn used his catapuly skill quite effectively to take some chucks of HP out of Nimira. Farlen Eldor called upon Fenmaral Mestarine, which for once, actually helped to call upon his Spiritual Weapon and pound on his foes. Baklor Darkspear... couldn't hit for shit.

The Duergar Guards went to work on Courana but she is one of the most hearty archaeologists ever!

Nimira made a last-ditch effort to go invisible and sneak up to kill Courana but was found and destroyed before she could execute her plan.

The party was bruised and beaten, but once Nimira was dead, the remaining 3 guards surrendered and gave over control of The Foundry to the party.

The party retired to the Chambers behind the Great Hall for a Long Rest. Until next time...

Missions/Quests Completed

Status: OPEN (Sidequest)
Name: Amateur Alchemist
Giver: Courana
Goal: Collect a small bag of Cinderpetals in the area north of Khudrukar to that Courana can attempt to make you a Torpor poison to weaken Nightscale.

This quest will be run via Discord.

Character(s) interacted with

Nimira (killed)

Snurrevin (killed)

Ghared (killed)


Party agreed to do the sidequest within discord vs. running at next session. This is being handled as a skill challenge:

The party discusses how they are going to go and collect Cinderpetals so they can make a Torpor poison to weaken the Dragon. Whoever is going to leave the Mountain to go on this sidequest needs to roll me a check on each of the following skills BEFORE Sunday Jan 29th AM and post them here.
Clarksville D&D
Baklor Darkspear
Baehyl Bruhn
Report Date
22 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Related Plots
This content was homebrewed by DM Baklor. Thank you to my players for making it awesome! All Rights Reserved.