Ferrin Organization in D'neth | World Anvil
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The heart of the Iron Empire and the seat of the Iron King.


Ruled by the divinely chosen Iron King, Ferrin has been headed by a descendant of Siriun the Smith King since its founding in 3924 BC.

Public Agenda

Dedicated to the preservation and protection of The Ferelian People, Ferrin has taken it upon itself since becoming the Iron Empire to force such protection on its neighbors, often at sword point.


Ore from The Maw, wood and furs from the Edelweald, produce from the Heatherdowns, fish and manufactured goods from the Lake District, and horses from Horse Country, as well as the various amenities of the The Wolf Wood, Mao'dan, The Darwol, and The Highlands.


Before the release of Ardün from the Cage in 4032 BC, Ferrin was the home of not just The Ferelian People, but also The Skollic People and The Edic People. With the onset of the Clan Wars however, tensions began to break out between the three disparate people until The Ferelian People eventually pushed their neighbors off of the island, claiming the whole of the territory for themselves. Over the following century, conflicts raged across the whole of D'neth until one man rose from among the masses to champion an accord among the clans. Through careful diplomacy and strength of arms, Siriun the Smith King eventually brought the dreaded Clan Wars to an end.

The hero then used his incredible power as one of the Earthbreakers to raise five great hills on which to build a shining city for his beleaguered people. Over the following years, Siriun's seven sons, Hugien, Mundin, Tyriol, Arnik, Sensin, Kardard, and Darius, took up their father's mantle and worked to bring order and protection to all corners of Ferrin.

Since then, the kingdom has grown into an empire following the dissolution of The Solari People in the aftermath the Crafting and the unseating of the God-King. The empire continued to grow and prosper over the intervening millennium, until just eighteen years ago when it fell in the War of the Exile. The whole of the kingdom has lain in quiet desolation since then unbroken only by the chattering of the restless unliving.

By blood, salt, and purest iron

-3924 - 1063

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
1 gold bit is worth 10 silver bits; 1 silver bit is worth 10 copper bits. The term bit originated from the a horse's bit, the metal bar that slides between the teeth.
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Character flag image: Standard of Rohan


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