Galileo - Dungeon Building / Landmark in Cybersmily's Cyberpunk 2020 World | World Anvil

Galileo - Dungeon

The Dungeon is the lower deck of the Garden Panel on Galileo - O'Neil 2. This complex holds the vast majority of the inhabitants of Galileo colony, mostly teh Highriders of Galileo. The inhabitants are crammed together into large barracks with a luck few having their own room or with a roomate.

Dungeon is dedicated to the work on the farm, raw material refinement, food production, and other infrastructure support of the colony.


The Dungeon is broken up into 4x16 blocks, each approximately 1kmx1km. The blocks are label with Greak letters lengthwise (starting sun side) and number widthwise (starting clockwise). Example: 5th block from sun side and 3 across is Epsilon3. 13th block from sun side and 1 in is Nu1. Alpha is sunside and Pi is outer ring. See side map for labelling.

Each block has a bunk and cafeteria. These living areas (pink shaded areas on map) are all open to the next block forming a quad. This is an intersect in which there are several actives going on in the open space. The alternating intersections where there are no living quarters will have either entertainment, shops, and other places for Highriders to unwind. The intersections between column 2 and 3 will have work areas and offices. The interior of the blocks consist of maintenance areas, workshops, factories, and other areas to keep the colony running and support The Dungeon's residents.

Water supply and Krill produciton is done in the Alpha and Pi sections of the station of the panel.

Galileo Living Quarters.JPG
Galileo Dungeon Block

Main access paths are 20m wide and minor are 10m. These are used for vehicles and moving bulk materials through. The access tunnels/halls off of these are between 1-4m depending upon purpose.


Articles under Galileo - Dungeon