John and Sarah Smythe - 753 Noyes Street Building / Landmark in Curiosity and Satisfaction | World Anvil

John and Sarah Smythe - 753 Noyes Street

Shuttered and boarded up for decades, this rambling, rundown house was purchased at auction almost ten years ago by professional hypnotist and entertainer John “Jimmy Flair” Smythe and his wife, Sarah. The couple have spent the last few years and considerable funds restoring the house to an upscale and livable state.   While renovating the house, the couple made a very disturbing find in the attic: rusty wall bolts and chains, indicating that someone was kept here against their will long ago. Some ancient, bloody ladies’ nightclothes were also found balled up in the attic, stuffed in a corner behind old boxes. The Smythes shudder to think what may have occurred in their home. They have told no one of their discoveries and suspicions.   John is fairly well known in the Boston area as "Jimmy Flair, the SWANK Hypnotist." He and his wife primarily work Fraternal Club Organizations (VFW, American Legion, Knights of Columbus, Elks, etc.), stag parties, college fraternity parties, and "risqué" night clubs in Boston. They make a nice living hypnotizing people in a nightclub act and making them do or say humorously erotic or obscene things while under "Jimmy's" hypnotic control.   Recently John was practicing his craft at home on Sarah, who is also his stage assistant. While under hypnosis she began to channel the voice of someone named Beatrice. The voice was very angry, even disturbed; Sarah briefly attacked John while in trance, then began clawing furiously at her own face. Mr. Smythe quickly broke his wife from the trance. He had to drive her to the Hospital for a few stitches above her left eye. The two have since discussed what occurred, wondering if and how they should address this disturbing turn of events.    Their black Persian cat Sheba has some definite ideas about the event and is looking for anyone she might confide in and get help from.
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