Spouters Tavern Building / Landmark in Crooked Mile Valley | World Anvil

Spouters Tavern

Black Ichor Scenarios include "soft" horror text and graphics.
It may not be suitable for children or the skittery to read.
Opinion of the writer: PG-13 material.

An Historic Roadway Tavern and Bolt-Hole Archive (Opening Soon)

When Ellie-Ellen’s bakery closes for the day, soup and sandwiches are purchased by local Crooked Mile residents at the Spouter Tavern. The tavern was once the only place to buy cooked food and a beverage for a hundred years. For many years, rooms were available for travelers to rent. During the last two years, the rooms were turned into apartments for college professors, who teach in Newfaire and Crooked Mile. The only issue is the noise. But the professors so appreciate the family atmosphere they will withstand the noise.    Neither do they want to live in the Marvel Boarding House, "where residents come and go." Or that is what they tell Gertrude Marvel friends.   Long before the train sped through and around Crooked Mile, the canal led to the Tavern and onto the Coastal Caves. The seas could be hazardous to travelers, especially during the winters, but the calm canals and the coastline protection the caves provided made trips possible. The owners added on a beer garden mid century and shuttled guests to and from local farmer’s home who, for a fee, were happy to take in soft-spoken researchers. Their rowdy patrons spent the night in the tavern’s barn. The barn burned down during the Six Year War. No one bothered to discover why. By that time the merchants wanted complained and the Tavern closed their Innkeeping business. For the time being, the owners are earning profit from selling bootleg moonshine that can’t be found anywhere but the Spouter.
Spouters Tavern Established October 18, 1851

Spouter Tavern

Spouter Tavern by ROD w/Midjourney

Spouter's Bolt-Hole
A Spouter Tavern innovation that turned into it most profitable side business is its back room store. The store is neither public or a secret, but its reputation is only known by Crooked Mile and Fairelands insiders. The store's wares are mostly unexplained phenomena related goods, smuggler's goods or rare and arcane collectibles. It is hard to believe that all Circle and Smuggler Gear could fit in the Spouter's Tavern, but legend says that the cavern expands by its own will.

Gnarliest of Disclaimers: You’ve made your way to an unexplained vault. Although Spouter Tavern Keepers attempt to defuzz deadly toxins and dust in this dark and dingy room, it’s been here for a couple of hundred years. Gear comes in and gear goes out. We check underage drinkers, but we don’t spy on our customers or worry about where they’ve been or consorted with. So you enter this eerie cell and lift gear at your own risk.   While they consider themselves experts, it’s difficult to know whether a certain sort of employee is “all there,” A few lagers can make all the difference. GMs will not take what any expert says about fraternizing with ghouls and mediums at face value. Picky GMs have every right to use d6 mechanics as they wish. Spouter Tavern management takes no responsibility for character uprisings or mutiny. Spouter Tavern was intentionally built far away from the high seas and only accessible by canal or dirt road for a reason.

Cover image: DKL Black Roses Banner by ROD w/Midjourney


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