Seasway Hotel & Mineral Springs Resort Building / Landmark in Crooked Mile Valley | World Anvil

Seasway Hotel & Mineral Springs Resort

Black Ichor Scenarios include "soft" horror text and graphics.
It may not be suitable for children or the skittery to read.
Opinion of the writer: PG-13 material.

Turn of the Century Tycoon Getaway

Melody Rice
Melody Rice by ROD w/Midjourney
Gazette News Travel Guide
From the desk of Melody Rice, Reporting from Crooked Mile
MRice Log Date 1907
Melody Rice is a Crooked Mile local, who takes her reporting position seriously. If her reviews do not appeal to readers, she asks they contact her supervisor at the Gazette News, a flighty gentleman who doesn't take her seriously. It is likely her supervisor won't bother to discuss concerns and complaints with Melody. Nothing he says seems to go through her ear and out the other. Neither does his admonition take residence inside her brain matter.

Melody Rice Desk

Melody Rice Desk by ROD w/Midjourney

The benefits of booking a stay at the finest hotel in the Hale Area were enjoyed by wealthy residents and connected politicians from Oldfaire, Faraway and Otherwhere. The Seasway Hotel was founded by the Garamund family in 1817. After years of searching, they discovered a stunning Glass Sea beach, along with mineral springs that locals have been visiting for a century. The family made sure to invite the residents who had enjoyed swimming there to return whenever they pleased. They were required to wear specific clothing and restricted to swimming in certain locations, but they ultimately settled the agreement with a monetary compensation.   Hale's luxurious hotel became dilapidated during the Six Year War. The Hotel and Springs faced a shortage of resources and money for their management. Visitors were occupied with their own businesses, and locals trying to survive stopped making reservations for the lodge or the mineral springs. Long-term health benefits were the least of their concerns as they faced immediate danger. The building, lands, and stables were put up for sale in 1904. The family was left with no options other than selling their family home and business after the devastating loss. Scientists, researchers and longevity fanatics return to the hotel to explore the ruins of the estate or sneak into the pool for a swim. A sign that cautions swimmers about the polluted waters is ignored by enthusiasts.
1817 Seasway Hotel and Springs
Seasway Hotel 1817 - 1900
Seasway Hotel 1817 - 1900 by ROD w/Midjourney
Wealthy Guests Seasway Mineral Springs
Wealthy Guests Seasway Mineral Springs by ROD w/Midjourney
Local Swimming Hole Mineral Springs
Local Swimming Hole Mineral Springs by ROD w/Midjourney
Seasway Hotel Ruins

Garamund Resort Ruins

Garamund Resort Ruins by ROD w/Midjourney

Garamund Family Hotel and Resort History
During its most popular years, the hotel offered lavish packages for guests who relished the fresh sea air and a soak in the springs. When travelers returned to the city, they flaunted their revived appearance. When there were a rare criticism made, it was for a small slight made by the serving staff or that spa treatments did not last long enough.   These criticisms were immediately considered by the Garamunds, who hurried to fix the issues, before the newspapers wrote about the slights. For the most part reviews were glowing. Newspaper editors appreciated the free lodgings they took advantage of during peak seasons. They wined and dined with many of the most important industrialists and leaders in the world. Their new friends nearly always agreed to an interview.
By 1907 the ruins encourage curiousity seekers to visit the premises. Since many regular guests or seasonal residents were killed in the war or left the area, cabinets and chest drawers were left filled with papers, notes and books. When the bankruptcy court ordered the Hotel and mineral springs chalets to be cleaned, the cleaning crew threw out the contents they found.   to Some of these artifacts are worth money, fodder for books or trinkets to resell. Of course the hotel's original purpose never included being a place for riffraff to pilpher. The Periphery are often seen loading freeloaders into their paddy wagons. The police return the smaller items they find to the Garamund Estate, and keep the larger more expensive items. Every now and then they find note, letter or legal document they can use to blackmail a forger, philanderer, or a Primacy judge.
Guests from Otherwhere countries aroused increasing suspicion in the Garamunds while the Hotel and Mineral Springs were open. Rooms were discreetly reserved by spies and smugglers. A Primacy politician was shot with a silenced handgun at a masquerade party. The Periphery failed to appear for a period of 5 hours. A group called The Red Hand was found to have paid off the Periphery.   The Periphery denied any association with the Red Hand during the trial three years later. They claimed that the woman who paid them to assassinate the politician belonged to EONS. To avoid dealing with the ordeal, Jason Garamund's father installed a hydroelectric fence around the hotel and springs. Despite keeping the creatures at bay, the front door did not stop thieves and killers dressed in expensive suits from entering, nor did it prevent them from climbing through windows or drilling holes in the roof to access rooms. The family denied involvement in these criminal activities, yet it resulted in the hotel losing decent customers from 1890 to 1900.
Although the Seasway Record-keeping system was poorly maintained, the family quickly identified the resort's top attractions: Mineral Springs, Gambling Casino, and Tavern for exclusive guests. According to their exaggerated and often unreliable advertisements in local tabloids and widely read Otherwhere publications, the richest city residents endorse the Seasway with these assurances:
Mineral Springs Attributes
    The heat and buoyancy of our pure spring water systems improve your circulation, Minerals in the water can eliminate inflammation.
  • The water can help to flush toxins out of the body, and bathing in mineral springs can help to reduce stress.
  • Our sulfur springs cures eczema, psoriasis. respiratory issues and arthritis.
  • Our Iron springs cures anemia and fatigue, circulation and immune function.
  • Our Magnesium springs provides muscle relaxation, stress relief, sleep and blood sugar control.
  • Our Calcium springs ensures bone health, muscle function, and nerve transmission.

Seasway Gambling Casino
Black Jack, Poker, Roulette, Billards, Oppulent Decorations, Indoor Facilities, Cigar Lounge.
Guaranteed Wins for30 Minutes of Play, City Official Bribe Paid by the House.

Word of Mouth and By Invitation Only - Ghastly Tavern.

The Garamunds decided to built their hotel in the Georgian style of architecture. The hotel was built on an imposing rock cliff. Ships that passed by blew their whistles to the delight of wealthy children. The interior of the hotel was faced with Scarlet Wood. Lore suggests the wood emitted a faint pleasing cedar smell during the day. During the dinner hour when guests were dining the staff lit candles in the room. The heated wood radiated fumes that put guests to sleep The owners did not want critics to complaints about loud tavern noises or a rare babbling ghost.   The public rooms with Fresco murals laid in lime plaster. and the floors were tiled with crushed shell. The hotel had a number of elegant drawing rooms, a grand ballroom, a library, gambling casino and a theater. With special permission of the owners, seasonal guests were invited to share evenings with the family in the basement tavern where physic readings were done and mediums channeled the dead. A Weird Magazine reporter worked his way into the tavern. On his way to making his report through the woods, a creature ate him (according to legend).   The guest rooms were also well-appointed, with comfortable beds, fireplaces, and private bathrooms.

Cover image: Seasway Hotel Resort by ROD w/Midjourney


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Jan 1, 2024 20:14 by Absinthe

Peter Murphy's song Seesaw Sway comes to my mind.

Jan 1, 2024 20:32 by Ruby O'Degee

Thank you so much for commenting.

Stories that keep me guessing about where the monsters are hiding. Under my bed or in my head?