Artemis Vehicle in Covenant | World Anvil


"She's a lover, not a fighter"  
  • Clockwork, when asked if the Artemis could transform into a tank.
  • Power Generation

    The Artemis uses a small scaled Covenant Dynamo generator, able to generated vast amounts of energy via unknown means. It required no fuel and due to it's enigmatic mechanisms maintenance is impossible.


    Manuevering jets allow in atmosphere speeds faster than any commonly known vessels   While the ship appears to have no FTL systems, Clockwork theorizes that exoatmospheric systems (which have yet to be tested) could enable it to make a trip to Mars in hours.

    Armor and defense

    The Artemis is a military transport, equipped with a cloaked device which makes it invisible to both sight and coventional Arilian sensor technology. It is constructed out of Covenant alloys, which makes it near invulnerable to conventional damage. Covenant weapons, however, could likely cut through it like it was wet newspaper.

    Additional & auxiliary systems

    Many of the systems on the Artemis are disfunctional, and in the process of being retrofitted with conventional military hardware. This makes it somewhat unreliable.   The Artemis has systems for recycling water and oxygen, and produce basic proteins for sustenance. These systems are theoretically able to keep the crew alive, in even the most hostile environments, for up to six (very unpleasant) months.

    Hangars & docked vessels

    The Artemis's cargo bay has been converted into a large workshop, armory, and smithy. These facilities are used by Clockwork to manufacture various weapons. In CD #14, Paladin noted that most of this armory matched what Knightfall used.   The ship also has small quarters which can bunk the crew of four, with a separate master Captain cabin.
    Cover Art:
    by Herminionieves
    Owning Organization
    2000 k/h in atmosphere, theoretical speed of 100m k/h in space
    Complement / Crew
    Cargo & Passenger Capacity
    50 metric tons

    Cover image: by Herminionieves


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