The Majaran Empire Geographic Location in Corgeria | World Anvil
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The Majaran Empire

The Empire began its formation in the year 1023 of the Fourth Cycle when Atheneis Majara established herself as ruler of the scattered tribes of the Landor Basin. With much abandoned land in the Basin Atheneis attracted settlers from the kingdoms around the Windy Sea with grants of free land. After the initial failed Zalarite invasion of the Kingdom in 1026 both mercneary a soldiers, retired Alyite Sisterhood members and paroled Zalarite prisoners were given land grants. Two years later a second much larger Zalrite invasion supported by Zalairte vassals from Upper Lao and Karmin Barons was defeated. At this time the Queen counterattacked quickly capturing Karmis and Zareb. Karmis' royal family was displaced and Atheneis begam to rule Karmis through an appointed governor. Atheneis seized the holdings of any of the Karmin Barons who had particpated in the invasion and stripped the Karmin royal family of all but small holdings. Berrea, the youngest daughter of the former Queen of Zareb was placed on the thrones of Zareb as a vassal monarch. The Empire is now engaged in on and off conflicts with the pirate lords of the Windy Sea and the Dark Corgerian Kingdom of Arduorra.   Atheneis practice of granting lands to small holders has made her incredibly popular with the peasant majority. Her removal of barriers to trade between Karmis, Faroo and Zareb combined with improvements to the trade roads and ports have won the affection of the merchant class. The Empire's nobility is mainly new minted and personally loyal to the Empress. However, some old Karmin noble families that showed themsleves willing to support Atheneis were incorporated into the ruling class. About half the Karmin nobility was dispossed as a result of their support of the Zalarite invasion.


The empire is effectively divided into three sections by mountain ranges. The medium sized Northern and Southern Margus range surrounds the Faroo Basin with mountains ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 feet. In the center is the Kingdom Karmis with its grassy plains and forest lands centered around the broad River Karm. Zareb sits on a high Plateau deep in the towering Spine Mountains.
Alternative Name(s)
The Majaran Realm or the empire of the Three Kingdoms
Included Locations
Included Organizations


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