Freehold of Ennessa Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Freehold of Ennessa

Only a few miles across, this independent territory has exactly one thing of importance, the Fortress of Ennessa. Set on an island in the center of a lake, the fortress is a gleaming white mass of towers and high walls. The pentagon-shaped fortress has an outer wall some 20’ in height and an inner wall 40 feet in height. The outer wall towers are 30’ high and the inner wall has 50’ towers. The fortress can only be approached by a single long causeway from the mainland. The last stretch of the causeway gives way to a drawbridge set in a strongly built gatehouse. Once through the gatehouse anyone entering the fortress must make a circuit halfway around the island between the inner and outer walls before arriving at the second inner gatehouse. At the core of the fortress is a large stone building with a domed roof of blue tile and a tower some 90’ in height at its apex.   The fortress is ruled by the Council of Twelve, a group of powerful wizards. Each of the wizards has a pair of apprentices, two bodyguards and three servants. The fortress is defended by a small army of golems and machina. At the core of the fortress is a world gate that allows travel to three different worlds. Only the council members know how to operate the gate. The gate puts out considerable magical energies which the Twelve use to power the fortress' magical defenses.   The Council cultivate an impressive appearance wearing flowing crimson and black robes, heavy necklaces of silver plates that hold magical reservoir stones and black cloaks of displacement. When in public the wizards wear silver masks set with green crystals. These masks are said to have magical properties. The wizards all carry carved, highly polished wooden staffs topped with green crystal balls.

Public Agenda

Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone.


The group has a large treasury kept in deep vaults in the tower.  Beyond a large horde of gold and silver, the have many magical devices, potions and a large alchemical workshop.  Somewhere deep within the fortress is a magical portal that allows transportation to other worlds.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Ruling Organization
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Legislative Body
Council of Ennessa
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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