Barony of Rydel Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Barony of Rydel

This Barony sits on the western border of the Kingdom of Wallen. It's most important center is the fortified city of Turres where the currnt Baron and his family reside and govern. The Barony is named after the old and much smaller town of Rydel, which was the original Baronial seat. The area has reasonably productive though rocky soil giving rise to many small farms. Dairying is an important industry here with it large circular yellows cheeses traditionally sealed in red wax being a major product of the area.

Demography and Population

The Barony has a population of approximately 40,00 with the biggest center being the city of Turres (8,000), Rydel (1,800), Kantrow (1,200), the remainder of the population of spread out through small agricultural communities.

Agriculture & Industry

The area has reasonably productive though rocky soil giving rise to many small farms. Dairying is an important industry here with it large circular yellows cheeses traditionally sealed in red wax being a major product of the area. Rye and oats are the major crops of the region.


Turres and the other important settlements are connected by a network of roads. These roads are generally passable during during the late spring, through early fall, the rest of the time they tend to turn very muddy,
Geopolitical, Barony
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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