Azzera Fortress Building / Landmark in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Azzera Fortress

The Alyite garrison at the northern edge of Landor. The fortress is roughly an octagon with its outer wall halfway way up the hill which is topped by the great keep. The Great Keep is a fortress within a fortress surrounded by a square walled enclosure with the great tower at it center. Four rectangular halls project out from the base of the Tower. The Hall of Alya contains the garrison’s temple, the Hall of Arms contains the arsenal, the Hall of Warriors is a barracks complex and the Hall of Administration contains the Order’s offices, treasury and storehouses. The Keep itself contains a two level banquet hall with the second level being an overhanging rectangular balcony open at its center. The middle floors contain the apartments of the garrison’s ranking officers and the upper levels contain artillery weapons.

Purpose / Function

This is the second most important fortress of the Alyite Order in lands north of the Spine. It is used for recruitment, training and as an operation base by the Order's forces.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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