Izek Strazni Character in Cordeca | World Anvil
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Izek Strazni

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Izek was born in Vallaki, Sigelruck to a mother and father whose names he has forgotten. He is the older brother to a sister: Ireena Kolyana.   When Izek was 10 years old, he and his sister were returning from a fishing trip in the lake north of Vallaki. They were attacked by a werewolf, who bit off Izek's right arm before the town guard could respond. Ireena was scared into the woods, where she disappeared. Izek was brought back into the city walls, and nearly died from his wounds.   The grief of loosing their daughter drove both of Izek's parents to suicide, and he was sent to the care of the local orphanage. In the midst of a mental spiral, Izek made his own suicide attempt by cutting his own wrist. At the edge of death, he was approached by an entity from the beyond (Serlach) and promised power, a purpose, and that his sister was still alive and waiting for him. He accepted a pact with Serlach. When Izek awoke at the local church, his amptutated right arm was replaced with a demonic limb.   Without any family to moderate him, Izek's natural psycopathy ran unchecked. As a teenager, he strangled and beat two other children in the orphanage to death. The burgomaster of Vallaki spared Izek from execution, and instead took him onboard as a member of his guard staff. Izek was uncharacteristically grateful to the Burgomaster for his kindness, and took to his job with enthusiasm. When the burgomaster's chief bodyguard mysteriously died, Izek was available to take his place.  
  In the autumn of 550, Izek led a mustered militia of Vallaki in a battle against the local Vestani troupe outside of Vallaki. He slaughtered all the men of the troupe and drove the remainder out of town.   Following an attack by vampired on the clergy of Vallaki, Izek was ordered by the Burgomaster to expand the guards and crack down on pro-Strahd von Zarovich sentiment in Vallaki. Izek drafted many more men into the guards on a permanent basis and oversaw reinforcement of the church as a garrison.   Strahd von Zarovich arrived at the town several days later and demanded a contigent of men to join him in a battle against his enemies in the valley. Izek called his men to action, but was quickly subdued when Strahd executed the burgomaster and scared his men into submission. Realizing that he was a doomed man, Izek fled into the mountains.   The next day, Sigelruck was returned to Cordeca. Izek eventually discovered that he was now permitted to leave the valley, and he did so.  
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After leaving Sigelruck, Izek had a brief encounter with Ismark Kolyanovich, whom he recognizeds the son of the burgomaster of Sigelruck Town. Ismark was unreasonably hostile to him and seemed to know that he served Serlach. Ismark provoked Izek to a fight, ending with a sword through his gut.   Izek was once again saved, this time by Felicien Targete, who found him near death. Izek was forced to become an aspect of Serlach and Drizlash, and was compelled by them to join the The Concord of Black.


Family Ties

Izek is the biological brother of Ireena Kolyana. He believes that she died when they were young.
Neutral Evil
Date of Birth
524-07-21 E4
Year of Birth
20524 27 Years old
Vallaki, Sigelruck
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
Aligned Organization


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