Armored Calvary Vehicle in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Armored Calvary

I remember tales of the armored cavalry. A vehicle made to transport troops and fire off a powerful magical blast of elemental energy. This was created by Johnathan Oxun and powerful elemental mages to create a means for transporting men to different locations and to support them with artillery fire. These things were transported by horses or through the use of powerful elemental manipulation. Thes things turned the tide of war many times as it allowed for the empire to safely take over key locations with maximum numbers.   Now with the wars over most of these things are sitting around collecting dust. The damage these things are done to the edge during the wars makes me wish these things never be used again. -Ace Cardia

Power Generation

The Armored Calvary is empowered through the use of zidsan pearls and shards. It can also be empowered by presari mages who can imbue the glyphs with their power. This makes the Armored Calvary almost impossible to take out as long as there is an imperial soldier still stanging.


The armor calvary is normally pulled by horses to different battlefields. It can also move through the use of wind and earth magic based on the pearls installed or the presari's elemental affinity. This allows for quick movement in battle though is draining for long term situations.

Weapons & Armament

The armored cavalry is equipped with a mag cannon capable of a powerful blast of magical energy that is elementary charged. It also has openings for shooting out magical spells.

Armor and defense

The Armored Calvary is made out of Draxi and reinforced with powerful armor enhancing glyphs. This allows for the armored calvary to take a hit and keep moving as long as it has the essence to feed its glyphs.
Owning Organization
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Twenty Men with gear and equipment.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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