Chapter 3 - A Company of Hags Plot in Chronicles of Talamh | World Anvil
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Chapter 3 - A Company of Hags

The party, after resting in the Busted Boot Inn, soon gathered together again under Captain Bonebreaker, who was concerned about the map. Alexandroth tried to lie to her that the map was not in their possession, and the lie at first worked. However, she eventually saw through him and the map was eventually revealed. Dana showed the party her haunted spyglass, called Calypso's Eye, was needed to actually display the map's features, as well as direct light. The enchanted map eventually led the party to the island of Hag's Cliff (or as Dana mistakenly called it, Hag's Rock).   The party embarked on the Capricorn with Bonebreaker. However, they were evidently attacked by a ginormous Merrow and a Giant Shark, which tried to destroy the ship for territorial reasons. The party showed naval prowess, and after efforts from Dovahkiin and Alexandroth, they killed the monsters.   Evidently, the party came to Hag's Cliff. There, they climbed the cliff via a rope. Then, they met three hags: Granny Gertrude, Aunt Lois, and Mama Maritha. They tried to feed Alexandroth cookies and other malevolent concoctions. It turned out it was a coven. A battle erupted after Alexandroth stabbed one of the hags. Dovahkiin was turned into a newt momentarily in the heat of battle. Efforts from Elena to heal the group and the combat prowess of Alexandroth proved too much for the hags. Eventually, Dovahkiin got out of the polymorph spell and smote the last of the hags in a critical hit.   The battle was not done yet, however. As Alexandroth decided to loot the place, he accidentally came in contact with a Mimic, which tried to devour him. Efforts from Dovahkiin proceeded to kill the Mimic. They discovered a cursed Sword of Vengence in the midst of the treasure. In there, they also found a Hat of Disguise and a powerful ax. They also found riches, and stumbled across Jak's Compass on the body of one of the hags. With this part of the journey over, the party had one next place to go: Boadella.


Cruel Tricks

Alexandroth's curiosity and hunger for loot made him not check the chest he opened after the hag battle. He became ensnared by a Mimic, who tried to devour him! Thankfully, the rest of the party proceeded to help him not get eaten and killed the monster.




In this chapter, Alexandroth proved his combative prowess, but also some of his viciousness in his methods. He tricked the hags with a surprise attack, and tried to keep the map to himself. What his true intentions remains a mystery to the party, though he seems rather concerned with collecting souls...


Elena began to feel questionable toward Alexandroth in his methods, though remained a team player. She had begun to notice Alexandroth's displeasure toward her goddess, and has begun to use that against him to her delight. She does feel as if she is being given the short end of the stick when it comes to the share of treasure, however...


As a paladin, Dovahkiin has kept to his oath, proving to be a solid moral compass in the group. Not to say he doesn't have a greedy side; when Alexandroth was being caught by the Mimic, he nearly decided to not help him to grab loot. However, he turned to rescue him anyway.


Dana Bonebreaker

The captain has been acting strangely as of late. Though she wouldn't usually accept terms like taking only a measly 50% of loot in the treasure hunt, she took it with a smile. She also managed to give the party more control of her ship. She even trusted Alexandroth with her haunted spyglass, Calypso's Eye. According to her own word, the adventure seems to be upmost importance to her.


The Merrow

A forsaken beast, the Merrows of the deep are a disgraced species. Maclir constantly fights these former creations with mermaids and other species of his waters. In the instance of the attack on the Capricorn, the party was attacked by a Merrow trying to claim territory. He also had a giant shark as his pet and ally to destroy the Capricorn.

The Hags

The hag coven consisted of three elderly hags, named Gertrude, Lois, and Maritha. They were collectors of strange items stolen from adventurers, even having a Mimic in their collection. When the party met them, they tried to feed them enchanted cookies. The party denied them that opportunity. The hags evidently tried to secure their home, throwing splash potions and any other weapon on their hands to kill the party. Ultimately, the party slew them and looted their trove of treasure.



The Capricorn

As the party was away, apparently Dana Bonebreaker fixed up the place and made it look spiffy. The ship now has a cleaner design, looking elegant. She even hired the party as higher ranking members of the crew.

Hag's Cliff

An abandoned islands, Hag's Cliff was a spot that many sailors would avoid due to the presence of the hags there. The hags lived in a beaten house, overlooking the cliff. It was the home to many forgotten treasures, taken by adventurers over the centuries. However, it has now been wiped clean by this new party.
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Cover image: by Unknown


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