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The Black Circle

The Black Circle is an organization that spans the continent of Omath, reaching out from its secret holdings in Ezir. It has existed for nearly a century and has insinuated its way into nearly all facets of politics and commerce throughout the land. Its agents have many goals, but its primary mission is the worship and release of a being known as Eclipse. The Black Circle is primarily Ezirandi, but spans gender and social status; its core leadership is comprised of Human wizards and priests.


The Black Circle is organized into houses, each overseeing a specific geographic or political region. Each house operates independently of the others, though they have been known to work cooperatively on difficult missions. A house is ruled by a Council of Elders, an odd-number of powerful wizards, sorcerers, or priests.

The Brightest Lights Cast The Darkest Shadows

Founding Date
Secret, Occult
Notable Members


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