Weapon Ranked Skill

Weapons are either meant for melee or ranged. Each weapon has a set amount of damage that increases based on its rank. A character can wield a weapon up to a rank equal to their Weapon ranked skill.  
A character wielding a weapon above their rank cannot benefit from any advantage that would help the player use their weapon in any way--whether to damage or otherwise. When rolling for an attack check, a player rolls die equal to their weapon ranked skill.
  There are 5 main ranks of Weapons, which correlates with the Ranked Skills of both: Improvised (Rank 1), Salvaged (Rank 2), Common (Rank 3), Refined (Rank 4), and Masterwork (Rank 5). For weapons, the rank increases the base damage of a weapon by one.  

Weapon Flaws

Weapon flaws occur when a character critically fails a to-hit check with their weapon. A weapon can take as many weapon flaws as it has damage. When the weapon damage is reduced to zero, the weapon breaks. When they break, they lose 1 rank and raise back up to one damage until repaired. If a weapon is Rank 1 and is reduced to zero damage, it breaks completely and can no longer be repaired; as a benefit, it no longer takes up space in one's inventory.  
A weapon must be repaired or at full damage capacity before its rank can increase (again). When a weapon is repaired in this way it regains full damage equivalent to its rank.

List of Weapons

The prices of armors will be in Guilder ( อ ), one of the currencies most notable within Chimera’s universe. These do not take into account Guilder’s imports and exports, but instead a general market value.   Weapons are commonly carried in Chimera, not as a show of violence--but instead as a show of intelligence, reliability, and status. Weapons in chimera can be made to be special depending on their enchantments but are inherently necessary and useful nonetheless. Choosing one weapon over the other denotes how a player character thinks and acts and puts them into a playstyle type with weapon abilities that reflect this.   Some notes about each weapon types: Weapon damage varies from weapon to weapon; less damage means the weapon is lighter with more interesting weapon abilities. An increase in a weapon's rank denotes an increase in damage overtime. and finally, a weapon's effective range is noted either as either engaged, nearby, or far away. A weapon used outside of its effective range has disadvantage. This disadvantage can be cleverly cancelled out as noted in the advanced guides of the Combat Scene. Additionally, Weapons are Medium Sized to account for any scabbards, quivers, or the like which naturally comes with the rest of the weapon's use.  
Looking for Weapons? Visit the Equipment category to locate the Age you are playing in, and locate the weapons available in that time period

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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