Aiseiri, Swan of Souls Geographic Location in Chimera D10 | World Anvil

Aiseiri, Swan of Souls

Lower your heads, my dear friends: Our hearts will join together --our [Name]'s spark left today.   Under your wings, Aiseiri, we entrust [Him/Her] to you now, --Guide them from this place.   With comforting song and grace, You will fly among the Thousan', and soar in a world without fear.
    One of the four known gods of death, Aiseiri is immortalized in the stars as a swan, whose heart signifies which way is west--both where the sun sets, and, mythologically, where souls are taken. Perhaps this is why not many have dared venture west, as death could surely meet them over the horizon, ensuring none would return. Coincidentally, the westmost civilazation is currently The Crown City, with plans to eventually expand westward to expand their empire.   Superstition or not, the western frontier still goes unexplored; but this has not stopped The Swan herself from appearing and granting omens to those across the world.  

Notable Tales and Omens

  Aiseiri most often appears as a swan in tales, arriving only to collect and shepherd souls under her wing to the west.  

Assorted Tales and Leitmotifs

  In several stories, she is seen by the sick, by abandoned children, or even soul-sick grieving parents. Here, she offers them a place where they will not suffer, where they will not tire, where they will soar with gentle breezes that keep a Thousand like them aloft and at peace. While many do decline in the hopes of overcoming sickness, of being found or adopted, or of starting a family anew, the Swan herself is gentle and patient. Unable to intervene, they wait.   In other tales, the Swan herself adopted several children in notable times of strife; the condition of this adoption was that the children must then become Lirs, those who walk between both worlds, able to intervene, but also tasked with shepherding souls in a swan form.   And in the rarer tales, Aiseiri caused a maddening fog when a swan, possibly one of her Lirs was killed by a hunter. This tale, however, only exists in the villages of the Crown City, once more explaining why they have yet to expand westward, as they had once intended.  

Edrin Theoril and the Palewood Wendigo

  Edrin Theoril, a public servant of the Ievlen Empire opposing the Crown City, aided his empire by destroying all manner of accursed creatures that lived in and around the territory. His most notable and last feud was with the Palewood Wendigo. During his battle, he used his divine weapon--The Twelve Arms of Death, in part given to him by Aiseiri.   The battle was long, and at several intervals, it is said that a swan dove in and took the blows meant for Edrin Theoril. However, at the third exchange of blows between the two, no swan came: The Palewood Wendigo had been slain, but so too would Edrin Theoril pass, month later.   Oddly, it is noted that no swan came to shepherd away his soul at the end of his work. This is further aggravated by the fact this his bones were not found in his grave. Perhaps his body arose from there, accursed and cruel, the third swan that never came, arriving too late.  

The Swan of Aiseiri Contellation by Invictia


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