The Mountain

Amidst a giant lake, known as the Inner Sea , lies the legendary Chimborazo, referred by most simply as The Mountain. Ever menacing in the distance, the place is subject to many of the greatest myths and legends. Creatures and items wash ashore all the time, from mundane to most extraordinary, with seemingly no other place to have come from but the enormous mountain half-covered in mist... yet none have been to it, save from a few. Many adventurers have attempted to brave the surprisingly stormy sea, but alas none have returned after crossing the mists.


If you do somehow end up on the mountain, you end up in a seeming paradise. You are greeted by lush sand beaches, spanning over a hundred metres deep, that form a coastal line which slowly transitions into a tropical jungle. After about a kilometre inward, the landscape begins to slope upward and forms a massive mountain with the familiar shape of a volcano. As you climb higher, vegetation becomes less dense and the forests transition from tropical through temperate to taiga. There are massive clearings, hills with hollows between them and an abundance of cliffs and ravines. There are several lakes and the land is ridden with streams.

Fauna & Flora

Chimborazo is home to all sorts of life. Everything there has been washed ashore at some point and adapted to the best of its ability. The wildlife is incredibly rich with many types of creatures forming a complex food chain in which new species have to find a place or perish. Among the apex predators are dinosaurs and big panthers, so you would do best to avoid those.   There is also an overabundance of vegetation. Hundreds and thousands types of flowers cover the land while exotic trees tower above them. Bushes, vines, fungus and other types of parasite add to the rich plant life of the mountain, a collection of life that was or it yes to be elsewhere in the world. The flora is different than what you're used to and you never know which tree might get offended if you take the time to nap under the shade it so generously provides.   The only species native to the mountain are the faeries, caretakers of the plants, animals and the very mountain itself. They are magical creatures, perhaps the only truly so, and not much more is known about them. Try to get on their good side if you find out what that is.
Location name
Mountain Range


Author's Notes

This is one of several articles on Chimborazo itself. Here we take a broad look at the physical mountain itself while only barely touching on its special properties and significance.

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