The Order of Heaven Organization in Charron | World Anvil

The Order of Heaven

The Imperial religion has the Emperor/ Empress as the central intermediary between Heaven and Earth. The Phoenix Throne is part of the Court of the Gods and the Emperor petitions for the favor of the Gods. The subjects of the world pray to and for the the Emperor and to the Gods.   Theology: In the beginning there was ONE. One place, one time, one mind. But the Unity was not aware, because there was nothing not self, no perspective. The Unity conceived of nonunity and fractured into 10,000 fragments of 10,000 parts and each into 10,000 eyes with 10,000 minds to look at itself and experience. The Spirit world was born, and Dream. From dream fell out Chaos and Void. The Perfect spirit world was mind without sensation, and difference without flavor. From Chaos and the void came substance, form, qualities and change. The Perfect spirit world fractured into 10,000 steps and stages and 10,000 separations. From Chaos ( Ocean), Dream (Mind and Light) and Void (Darkness) arose the Gods, demons and other spirits, and they tasted material life. Some merged into it to know this aspect of reality, some rejected this, some rejoiced in one aspect or another. The Gods, Spirits and Demons warred for domination, for the path to make the universe take. Some sought to destroy and overthrow all, others to twist everything to their dominion and use, some to do as they would, some to follow, some to have no rules or order and others to set one way forever.
The Gods formed the realm of Heaven and sealed the realms behind curtains separating one from another. They set the Great Wheel in motion that all spirits may enter the world, know life and death, are judged and balanced, sent to Hell realms of Malice which rejected the Gods, or penitence in the underworld or reincarnated in ascended or descended forms. The Highest Goal is to ascend step by step to achieve Enlightenment, recognizing that all are one and the underlying Unity. Some say this is to move beyond the world rejoining Unity. Others say it is to love all as yourself, some to live and let each find their own way. Still others say it is to end strife and suffering and set all in harmony and order. You find it yourself, or it is shown or it is brought and you conform. Rejection is to increase suffering and reject enlightenment.
From The Five-Part Throne the 5 Gods of Order and their cohorts rule the Courts and bureaucracy of Heaven, order the lesser Gods and the ranks of the spirit world least to greatest and the world of Flesh. The order of nature and of persons is established from Heaven, least and most humble to greatest and most noble. The plants grow and the animals and bugs eat them, and other animals and bugs eat the ones who eat the plants and fruits, and the body and work of the lesser is carried up. So too the spirits do their works, supporting the living world and they take their offerings and worships, and offer it up to higher spirits. And the thinking minds of people offering up bounty, tokens and worship to the higher spirits, their superiors as to the Emperor. The Emperor represents the needs of the world in the Courts of Heaven. Priests carry out the directives of Heaven, may plead with lesser spirits of the domains while the Emperor pleads before the Gods and stands between Heaven and the world. Demons, Devils, Malices and Corruptors strive against the Order of Heaven - to destroy, consume, twist and corrupt, use or rule the world in their image. Safety and bounty is in order. Obey the Gods. Obey the Emperor. Obey the divine order.
Heaven set the Wheel, which is represented in the 5-part Throne: Virtue is Wood-to Fire-to-Earth-to-Metal-to-Water-to Wood. The reverse is disorder and destruction: Fire consumes wood, wood consumes earth. Earth is consumed by metal. Water Consumes fire.


Xantzojo: The Celestial King, Lord of Order and Clear Sight. The light of Day. Xantzojo is King of the sky. He launches the sun in the grip of the magical Roc: Ytyl. He directs the clouds and winds and decrees the rains. He sets the seasons. Xanyzojo is too busy and important for the prayers of common people and listens to the pleas of the Emperor and nobles.
The priests wear yellow, their wide brim flat conical hats ringed with small chimes. They are administrators of temples and shrines over seeing worship, festivals and offerings. It is expected that thanks is given by bowing to the setting or rising sun.

Cheyarxi: Cohort on the left. Symbol is the Crescent facing left. Her color is Silver. 2nd Wife of Xantzojo, Joker/ prankster who sets beauty and wonder in the midst of ruin and destruction. Light in the Darkness ( Moon Goddess) Patron of the home life. Minder of lost things, chance and small surprises and the transitory moment. She is Patron of the lost or alone. Her touch is light. Her element is wind. Music is also her domain.
Priests wear silver-grey robes and silver skull caps and serve all people. They teach living in the moment, use humor and paradox to point out the transitory nature of mortal concerns. Sand pattern gardens or bowls are used for meditation and worship.

Hasagyjo: Cohort on the right. The faithful, insightful, invisible servant. His symbol is the crescent facing right. His color is purple. Keeper of records and herald of the Court of Heaven. Hasagyjo orders the day and hours and is keeper of time. He favors those who serve their superiors faithfully and diligently. Patron of bureaucrats, clerks and officers. Keeper of secrets. His voices is the whisper in the ear and his element is air.
Prayers must be written on fine prayer paper and offered into flame, cast into winds or running water. The priests wear purple and smiling masks. They are scribes for the uneducated, offer advice and council as confessors and do the work of maintaining and cleaning temples and shrines and directing novices.

Piasamadi: Celestial Queen. 1st Wife of Xantzojo. Lady of Light and Order. Her symbol is a Triangle. Her color is copper. Metal Goddess of tools and smiths. She is the supporter of women, especially mothers. Clan, justice and social order. Patron and matron of the family, birth and new growth, and well made plans.
The Priests wear headbands with copper triangle over the brow. They bless the house and children. They assist in childbirth and run Temple schools. The order of Accountants are sworn to keep accurate books. The priests are healers of the Aerth School
Bo-Yu: Cohort on the left: Her symbol is a diamond (spindle). Her color is Blue. Lolak ( born male) daughter who has taken a woman’s role. Patron of weaving and spinning. Lesser fate, chance and second chances. Her element is water, tears for the suffering. She favors those who tend to others or have swapped roles in society. Bo-Yu is Godess of rivers and lakes. The Ocean is mother to the Gods but is touched with Madness of Chaos and beyond the control of the Gods, though they may petition her. Bo-yu has tried to listen to grandmother Ocean.
Priests wear Teal and may be Lolak or Quol. They care for orphans, widows and widowers or elderly with no family, and the poor. They will make or gather clothes for donation. They are Water school healers.

Mozahon: Cohort on the Right: Faithful son, God of law and war. His symbol is a cylinder or rod, which he carries. His color is bright red. He is the element of fire. He carries out the orders of Mother and Father, warring with forces of darkness and instability, enemies of the Gods, of the State and of civilization. His hair is 3 row mohawk in red. His number is 3 and is accompanied by his 2 Hellhounds.
Priests wear magenta red and Orange robes. They bear a rod. The healer school is the Fire School. The priests are warriors and enforcers of laws and edicts. They are the main body of the Witchhunters.

  Quezhaxa: Goddess of scholars, scribes, healers, Hermetic mages and study. Her symbol is a square. Sometimes the open eye. Her color is Ivory. Goddess of wood carving, ink and paper. She helps healers, engineers, herbalists, apothecary, mages, and those who study and unlock the secrets of the universe and discover the hidden order, or read the signs.
Priests wear robes embroidered with eyes and with a blue hem. Priests and priestesses have kolh painted lids and lips blackened with ink. They are teachers of letters and numbers for the common folk.
Zenlodo: Cohort on the left: His symbol is the open scroll. His color is brown. This is the God of pure knowledge, learning and investigation for it's own sake.
His priests are record keepers, librarians, scholars and collectors of lore. They have no special garb but a mortar board hat with tassles at each corner. Libraries are their sacred duty, as is scholarship.
Uhaki: Cohort on the Right: His symbol is a candle or lantern. His color is Orange. He advises craftsmen and is a patron of the arts and skilled makers. Patron of money and trade. Uhaki is concerned with practical use of knowledge. Bespectacled with a trimmed beard and whiskers.
Uhaki's priesthood are concerned with ensuring apprenticeships, and education

  Aspanara: Goddess of plants, plantings, of fertility and bounty. Her symbol is a vertical oval. Her color is ochre. Earth Goddess and patron of farmers and brewers/ vintners. Orderly procession from plowing to planting to growing and tending and harvest. Time and season and place for all things. She favors those who work with their hands - farmers, artists and crafters.
Priesthood: Oversee fertility festivals. Bless the harvests and planting. Sacred Gardens.
  Ebi: Cohort on the left. Her symbol is a tipped horizontal oval of spilled drink. Her color is yellow. Goddess of the fields, grain and Domestic animals. Patron of Festival, wine and beer. Disorder in it’s place. Hedonism and sexual abandon and debauchery. Her hair is short in Quol ( woman who takes a male role -with a strap on dildo) and long in maiden ( and revealing scanty outfit). Also called the laughing Goddess. Ebi, of all the Gods wants you to be happy. Courtisans, Gigilos, barbers follow her. Fertility of livestock is prt of her domain.
  Olizha: Cohort on the right: His symbol is the Wheel. His color is Green. God of Foresight, storage, preservation, and Travel. He is a fat, smiling, bare bellied God who rides standing astride a millstone. Parton of Travelers, cooks, harvesters and graineries. He counts the grains, brings the blessing of pickle and fermentation and is concerned with process. Follow the steps of the path and signs of the trail to reach the destination. It is said that cooking is a prayer and the results an offering. Travel is a meditation.
Priesthood: Lords and Ladies of Plenty. They dress in green robes with aprons. Over see offerings and kitchens at temples and monasteries. Counters: Grainary keepers and soup kitchens for the poor.

  Kazollo: God of Death and the cycle of reincarnation. God of the Stone of the Crypt. His symbol is a Rhomboid. His color is white. Patron of the Honored Dead, the virtuous life, The Noble Path to Enlightenment and spiritual Progression.
Priesthood: They wear robes of black and white. Faced pained as skulls or wearing masks. Celebrants: Teach proper rituals for the ancestors. Ancestor worship to help advancement and better reincarnation. Also how to appease restless ghosts. Judges: weigh actions and reputation vs virtues. Dharma teachers
  Worrozhi: Keeper of memories and tombs. Worrozhi loves all as they are and calls everything, and everyone perfection. The god mourns the passing of all things. "If you love the flower, leave it be and observe." He is also the god of ghosts, undead and the undying - because nothing should die and be lost.
The Priesthood: Keeper - who maintain memorials, burial grounds. They dress all in black with veiled faces. Peaceful Ones: vegetarian dedicated healers who are sworn to never kill or destroy. They have an order of monks trained in nonlethal combat. They wear ash white face and robes.
  Najihi: Cohort on the Right. The little eater. The dark stranger. Color is Black. Najihi is neither sex. Their symbol is a balance scale. God of the small and insignificant. Drinker of Tears. Rides a rat. Najihi dwells in darkness and silence. Najihi is the God of justice as all are equal before this god of Death
The Priesthood: They wear a black dot tattoo or bindi by the eye, as if a tear. Mourners: Over see funerals. Death masks. Rituals of forgiveness and moving on. Justices: They weigh actions as just or unjust and will decree what acts are needed to balance the scales   Rat Family: Secret Order that conveys to Assassins need to protect the low in society against the higher. Rat Family will give Nobles notice of Contract to protect farmers or laborers against retaliation or excessive cruelty. "All are equal in death."

Mythology & Lore

From the one came the Many as well as Dream and Chaos. The Gods established the Mortal domain and arranged the Planes and walled away the enemies. The Gods were born of the mother Ocean, a Goddess touched with Chaos' madness and the darkness of the Void in the deep. They may petition her, but not command her. They owe her piety.
Xantzojo: The Celestial King, Lord of Order and Clear Sight. The light of Day. Golden Metal God. His symbol is a circle. His color is golden yellow. All things do well in proper place and progression. The flower in winter withers. In summer prospers and bears seeds. The Cycles turn to a place and a time right for them, so the Wheel and the progress of minds and souls. Bravery and strength to face down the forces and challenges of disorder and chaos. Rewards the industrious, temperate, pious and filial and those who support stability and order. The God appears as a strong proud man, dressed in kingly robes, with golden skin and scales, hair plaited into 2 tall horns and braids over his collar. He has a small mousache, long sideburns and no beard.
Cheyarxi: Cohort on the left. Symbol is the Crescent facing left. Her color is Silver. 2nd Wife of Xantzojo, Joker/ prankster who sets beauty and wonder in the midst of ruin and destruction. Light in the Darkness ( Moon Goddess) Patron of the home life. Minder of lost things, chance and small surprises. Her touch is light. Her element is wind. She has silver hair plaited into two sets of horns.
Hasagyjo: Cohort on the right. The faithful, insightful, invisible servant. His symbol is the crescent facing right. His color is purple. Keeper of records and herald of the Court of Heaven. Hasagyjo orders the day and hours and is keeper of time. He is deaf to requests to change from those below him and blind to the doings of his superiors, vanishing when not needed, but appearing instantly when called with just what is needed. He favors those who serve their superiors faithfully and diligently. Patron of bureaucrats, clerks and officers. Keeper of secrets. His voices is the whisper in the ear and his element is air. He is thin, tall and his black hair is coiled into rams horns at the side with two spike horns on his head.
Piasamadi: Celestial Queen. 1st Wife of Xantzojo. Lady of Light and Order. Her symbol is a Triangle. Her color is copper. Metal Godess of tools. She is the regular cycles of the seasons, of life and supporter of women, especially mothers. Clan, justice and social order. Patron and matron of the family, the household, birth and Harvest and well made plans. She wears the copper triangle tiara and her red hair is plaited into two back sweeping horns and a set of ram horms on the sides.
Bo-Yu: Cohort on the left: Her symbol is a diamond (spindle). Her color is Blue. Lolak ( born male) daughter who has taken a woman’s role. Patron of weaving and spinning. Lesser fate, chance and second chances. Bo-Yu is modest, faithful, obedient in most ways but is mindful of the unfortunate, favors orphans as her children, and widows or widowers. Her element is water, tears for the suffering. She favors those who tend to others. Her eyes are watery blue with yellow hair in a sunburst frill of spikes.
Mozahon: Cohort on the Right: Faithful son, God of law and war. His symbol is a cylinder or rod, which he carries. His color is bright red. He is the element of fire. He carries out the orders of Mother and Father warring with forces of darkness and instability, enemies of the Gods, of the State and of civilization. He posts the laws in the court and enforces order first explaining, then with force. He favors those who practice the crafts of War, smiths and workers with fire. His hair is 3 row mohawk in Red. His skin is black from smoke and fire. His number is 3 and is accompanied by his 2 Hellhounds.
Quezhaxa: Goddess of scholars, scribes, healers, Hermetic mages and study. Her symbol is a square. Sometimes the open eye. Her color is Ivory. Goddess of wood and paper. She has an extra eye on each of the sides and back of her head. She helps healers, engineers, herbalists, apothecary, mages, and those who study and unlock the secrets of the universe and discover the hidden order, or read the signs. Her eyes have a black iris. Her black hair is set in four back sweeping horns.
Zenlodo: Cohort on the left: His symbol is the open scroll. His color is brown. He is the seeker of pure knowledge. Master of trivia and philosophy. He is unconcerned with and disinterested in anything but his scrolls and knowledge for it’s own sake. Appearance, physical things and phenomena are illusions of no import. He is an old sloppy man with a long beard and wild long brown-grey flecked hair. He has 2 small conical horns over his eyebrows and another set ahead and above his ears. He doesn’t even help worshipers.
Uhaki: Cohort on the Right: His symbol is a candle or lantern. His color is Orange. He advises traders and keeps books. Patron of money and trade. Uhaki is concerned with practical use of knowledge. Bespectacled with a trimmed beard and whiskers. He wears a topknot of black hair with two small prong horns.
Aspanara: Goddess of plants, plantings, of reincarnation and bounty. Her symbol is a vertical oval. Her color is Brown. Earth Goddess and patron of farmers and brewers/ vintners. Orderly procession from plowing to planting to growing and tending and harvest. The plant grows, dies and grows back again the next year. Time and season and place for all things. She favors those who work with their hands - farmers, artists and crafters. Her hair is brown and set in cornrows with forward projecting spikes off her temples and sides.
Ebi: Cohort on the left. Her symbol is a tipped horizontal oval of spilled drink. Her color is yellow. Goddess of the bounty, fertility and Domestic animals. Patron of Festival, wine and beer. Disorder in it’s place. Hedonism and sexual abandon and debauchery. She favors singers and dancers, courtesans, libertines, the beautiful and sensual. She and her mineads like to drunkenly shoot arrows of creative inspiration and zoomies. Her hair is short in Quol ( woman who takes a male role -with a strap on dildo) and long in maiden ( and revealing scanty outfit). In both cases she sports short spike tufts of hair dyed red over her forehead. Also called the laughing Goddess.
Olizha: Cohort on the right: His symbol is the Wheel. His color is Green. God of Foresight, storage, preservation, and Travel. He is a fat, smiling, bare bellied God who rides standing astride a millstone. He is bald on top with sideways spikes off the sides of his head. Parton of Travelers, cooks, harvesters and graineries. He counts the grains, brings the blessing of pickle and fermentation and is concerned with process. Follow the steps of the path and signs of the trail to reach the destination. It is said that cooking is a prayer and the results an offering. Travel is a meditation.
Kazollo: God of Death and the cycle of reincarnation. God of the Stone of the Crypt. His symbol is a Rhomboid. His color is white. Patron of the Honored Dead, the virtuous life, The Noble Path to Enlightment and spiritual Progression. He is a dourfaced, frowning white skinned god. His hair is black and arranged into braided horns that rest on his shoulders.
Worrozhi: Cohort on the Left: God of Death (Corrupted), patron of Pride, memory and memorial, Lord of Undead. Protector of tombs and crypts. The Dragon Flower. His Symbol is a coiled vine with a rose flower bud. His color is Indigo Blue. All are precious to Worrozhi - least to greatest and none should pass and be gone forever. Worrozhi denies the natural order to try to keep things the same, stable and stale forever. The God appears as a green skinned man with brown hair in small bunched spikes or as a vine with a flower bud head which opens to reveal a dragon skull. He favors Necromancers, mortiary keepers, the undead and the dying.
Najihi: Cohort on the Right. The little eater. The dark stranger. Color is Black. God of the small and insignificant. Drinker of Tears. Rides a rat. The God is a faceless figure in black robes and hood. It is said that in the hood is a skull face.
The Fortunes are major spirits: Chance, Wealth, Health, Productivity Realms: Hunting Grounds, Realm of Hunger, malice, Grey Shores ( Waiting), Underworld (judged), Dreamlands ( Fae and prankster, teasers), hells (Corruption), Shadow (Umbra), Celestial heaven, Yokai (Blood and rage), Unity. The Sea (Mother Ocean)

Cosmological Views

There are three primary worlds of importance: Mortals live in the Physical world.  The Gods dwell in the higher Astral world of the mind, truth and light.  Spirits are in the Umbra spirit world.  Worship and practice awaken the awareness to the other two worlds and closer to the Gods and their patronage. The follower owes loyalty, obedience and offering to the Gods in general and their own patron especially. The pleased patron extends their favor to the loyal follower who shuns Corruption and the influence of malign spirits. The gods ease paths, clear ways for better reincarnations and help with problems or hopes.

Tenets of Faith

From below is offered up praise, offerings and obedience. From above comes favor, aid and opportunity. The correct path is Harmony, progression and rightness in the natural order. The wrong path is chaos, disorder, misery and want. The petty person is egotistical, inconsiderate of their actions and impacts on others and society. The correct form and correct words bring clarity and precision. Wrong forms and wrong names mislead by misunderstanding and untruth. Affarairs can't be completed properly. Right is not rewarded and wrong not punished and disorder means none may know the correct thing.

The individual practices loyalty, piety, honesty, fraternity and duty. Filial respect and obedience. In this way the individual supports the natural order, law and general harmony. So too is the Emperor the Elder Father of the people, the Nobles the parents who look out for an guide the children, and officials and sages are the wise elder siblings who protect and instruct the younger. And above this are the Gods who have their Order and domains, and support and protect those who are faithful to duty and position.


The faithful and obedient practice right thought, and right action so that they may be reborn rewarded with a higher place in the order. Bad lives are wasted and spent in evil that drag down the soul to punishment or reincarnation demoted to lower status or animals or exiled to the Hells or being claimed by Corruption.


Prayer, offering and respect are owed to social superiors, to parents and elders, The Emperor, to ancestors, to the local spirits, the greater spirits and cohort Gods and finally the High Gods and the King of Heaven.

Likewise The Gods reward the faithful and loyal first giving favor to the Emperor and Nobles who then extend justice, reward and protection to servants, crafters and peasants. The Gods of Death weight the actions and judge punishment or time in wait in the underworld and reward in the next life.

Daily one should offer Puja to your house and personal Patron. The idol is greeted and given respect with folded hands and bow, or prostration. While chanting or singing a purity prayer the God is rinsed or washed with scented water.  Then annointed with oil, juice, butter or herb paste. Personal prayers daily. Food and drink offerings follow. Flowers, pleasing scents and incenses burnt at family, small spirit, nation and Church shrines.
  1. Once or twice weekly it is expected to visit the Temple.  No large weapons or armor is allowed. It is expected that one will dress well. You remove shoes on entering the house of the gods.  The Temple is composed of the Public Hall, representing the physical world where teaching and major ceremonies occur. Exiting this is the Outer Hall where hands and face are washed from bowls, mouth is rinsed with spiced drink or liquor. Worship robes are worn. 
  2. The Outer Hall is where the Gods meet worshipers - small shrines line the walls for each God. The shrines are attended by the priests. Personal ceremonies occur here. This is the representation of the Spirit world.
  3. The individual should circuit the room right to left, greeting the Gods with folded hands or  hands to forehead in "v".  The priests may have a chant, drone or bowl that you should focus upon to clear the mind and open to the vibrations of the Gods.
  4. You bow, kneel or prostrate yourself before the God.  From this position you offer prayer, meditation or petitions. The deeper respects are for Gods you may have offended or personal or House Gods.
  5. Gifts are made to the God.  Giving shows respect and opens one to receiving favor. The intent of the gift is important and something from heart and hand is most significant. Though coin from labor or purchased food offerings are also valued sharings.
  6. Most only pass the Doorway to the Inner Hall which is the God's Chambers and are the Astral. This is a labyrinth spiral in curved or block lines where the Gods dwell attended by the Priests. The shrine to the Imperial Family is beside this door on the Right.
  7. On exit from the Outer hall you come to the Lanterns: pass hands over them and lift them to eye level to see and feel the light. The Gods may grant visions in the flame.  The light represents knowledge and the light of Heaven.  Priests may apply marks in ash, oil, butter or paint of the Gods or the "V"  of accepted light on the forehead. There is then the table of hospitality from the Gods where there is food and drink. The kinds may depend of Festivals being observed or the Primary God of a Temple.
  8. Robes are removed before walking the covered walkway to the Public Hall.


Initiates: these are 0 level trainees in the Church and perform minor duties of cleaning, painting and repair. They learn the chants and prayers and the ways of the Gods.
Medicants: These are frequently lay followers of specific deities and involved in tasks favored by each God.
Monks: The monastics follow lives of faith and prayer seeking purification and practice the making of holywater and potions that aid the people. They live in isolation. Some take up the militant service of the Witchhunters to seek and destroy monstrous and corruption threats to the nation and people.
Pastors: These are holy persons who wander the world helping bring the order and Harmony of the Church to wild and frontier areas.
Priests: These are the ones who perform the public rites and services in temples. They are the faces of service and the Church and deliver the miracles of the Gods.
Celestial Masters: These are high priests, typically devoted to the specific dieties or to the King of the Gods specifically.

Above the priests are ascended priests and priestesses called Heralds that are avatar demigods. Heralds live for centuries before joining in the celestial court under their deity.  Heralds have powers of regeneration, superior strength, vigor and spirit.


Ones: This sect has an emphasis on temperance, simplicity, and stoicism. Excess shows weakness of character and promotes poor morals and health. One garment or one set of clothes for work and one for formal or official occasion, one meal, one cup of strong drink. Reflection and mindfulness on the one thing at a time.
Mice: The mice have a similar overall view to the Ones. They preach moderation and simplicity as well but focus more on what is carried: Heavy emotions of resentment or hate, envy and desire that produce pain. Things are clutter. They follow a philosophy of no more than you need. Small needs for small things. Nothing that makes you heavy, slow, foggy or lazy. Let go of extra things and unburden the soul of weights of desires and resentments. Focus on now and what is needed and before you now.
Blessed: The blessed see position and luck as rewards of Heaven given to better and more worthy persons. The Noble, the wealthy, the healthy have this from virtue of good work in past lives. The unclean and low, the poor and sick received this as punishment and should work to improve themselves for the next life.
The Afterlife: The realm of the Gods is not for mortals to dwell in. They may be allowed visits - the single visit to the Chamber of Three Judges where the dead are judged by the three Gods of Death.  
Kazollo judges the virtue of the life and rewards dutiful obedience and observance of custom with reincarnation. Those who lived unvirtuous lives must work to purify themselves to be reborn.  They are sent to the caves in the Earth plane that lead to the Underworld. 
Worrozhi is the keeper of the record and has a scroll for each life that records the deeds, crimes, harms and kindnesses as well as dutifulness of each person.
Najihi judges if a life was lived justly.  Crimes must be punished and the souls of the evil are cast into the elemental plane of fire as punishment.  The unjust may be cast into the plane of Water and exist in a drowned state.   They are cast into the plane of Air as spirits to perfect themselves

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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