Fae war on the Dymon Military Conflict in Charron | World Anvil

Fae war on the Dymon

For thousands of years the Dymon were content to possess the central Isle of Kuan and allowed the humans and Fae to populate the Shards. In these thousands of years the fae came to believe that they were Gods. They had powers unrivaled by the simple humans. In their pride they believed they could conquer the central isle and the Dymon residents.   According to partial records in the Imperial Archives, and of oral traditional stories told amongst the common people, somewhere about the Taurien year 3000 the Fae attempted to conquer the Dymons (Overlords) of Kuan. Relying primarily upon their own forces with small quantities of humans in support the Fae launched fleets from the 27 shard isles to invade the central island of Kuan. It is said that a thousand ships set out with the Fae "Gods" in full regalia of chimeric weapons and armors. Glowing elves, huge troll warriors, fearsome goblins with weapons of fire, ice, crystal, horn, bronze and gold. The stories say that for each ship, a single Overlord met them and defeated them.

The Conflict


Humans had arrived in the central islands of the Inner Sea somewhere about T:2000.  They settled on the outer Shards. It is unclear if they were forbidden, afraid of, destroyed or taken by the Dymons of the central island. Within a generation Fae Changelings  began to appear in the human population.  With their strange powers they rapidly became mystic/ spiritual leaders and within a hundred years had assumed the status of Gods.  Each island was ruled by their own Fae Gods that the humans worshiped and worked for. Over time the number of Gods grew as did the human population.  There were the Day gods, the Night gods and the Twilight with Kings and queens, Kings and queens of the types, and of the Seasons.  This in accord with the The Fae Courts, Tribes and Houses as known today. They had minimal and hostile interactions with "foreign gods' of the mainland fae society.
The Fae began to cast greedy eyes toward the great island of Kuan.  They were unrivaled powers for over a thousand years in the Shards.  There was antipathy between the Dymon and fae, at least from the Dymon toward the Fae races.  Dymon were descendants or survivors of a Sidereal Host, literally of the "body" of The Sidereal Fae. Dymon were of similar origin to Kobolds but of a different type. In concept it would be if blood survived the death of the body and went about living independently and doing as it would.  The Lesser fae were captives, creations, pets, and play things -inherently inferior things not of Sidereal substance.  Fae claims and demands were rejected and derided.


The Fae gathered under their multitude of kings, lords and leaders. But they had minimal war between islands- mostly petty raiding and minor squabbles by humans. Each island was it's own kingdom and pantheon of "Gods" which denied recognition of High lordship over their own, excepting the Day, Night and Twilight Courts as the highest powers. These divisions extended to the Fae fleets launched in war upon the Central Island.


The Fae fleet were met by Dymons who turned the fae arrows and spears back on the attacking ships. They blasted ships with fires and lightnings.  The poorly organized fae fleets were easily splintered and defeated one by one


The Fae fleets were mostly defeated with many fleeing to the Mists to make their way home. Some were captured. The Dymons then launched a counter offensive within a week, sweeping in two forces that conquered each of the Shard islands one by one.  The humans were gathered and trapped in mirror pocket dimensions and the Overlords moved on to the next island.  The defeated Fae were made to swear oaths of loyalty and obedience.


Once they had conquered all the islands, the starved and thirsty humans were released. The Dymons announced that they were the true Gods and the Fae were established as ministers and managers for the islands. The mightiest of the Overlords took control of rulership of each island, under their king, Xantzojo, his queen Piasamadi and consort Cheyarxi. These became the new highest Gods with each island dedicated to one or more of the lesser Gods.

Historical Significance


The Overlords ruled as living Gods for another 1500 years.  They played "war" with human armies as games and engaged in their various interests, discounting the human "ephemerals" while demanding heavy tributes and worship from Fae and human alike.  The Fae and human tribes secretly armed with traded iron weapons from the mainland, and prepared to throw off the Overlords.  The great rebellion started in the Taurien Year 5620 and lasted almost 120 years before the last Overlord was defeated in T. 5740.  No Dymon has been known to exist since the founding of the Island Kingdom that was to become the Kuan Empire.
Start Date
T: 3193
Ending Date
T 3193

Cover image: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ by mutterwolf


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Aug 12, 2023 19:05

The Fae really oversold themselves. I wonder if they had a chance even if they were organized back then.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Aug 12, 2023 23:34

Maybe. But the Dymon were very powerful. Secret lore (I know I have the notes but can't find the reference). The Dymon king - Xantzojo and two others are held prisoners by the Empire with retired priests listed as"dead" sent to attend them in their prison.