Widow's Brethren in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Widow's Brethren

Also known as the Brethren of the Frozen Widow, this religious order is exclusive to the Ebtarrai. They worship the frozen bodies of Abdemn and his wife Emenya, usually simply referred to as the Widow.   Abdemn and Emenya are kept in a tower, known as Emenahxi, which is carved from ice and is so tall that its top cannot be observed. Members of the order linger on the past, constantly lamenting the tragic events of their history that are depicted on the walls of the tower, as they do not want to forget the betrayal and love that their ancestors experienced. Members believe that Abdemn still watches over them--that Abdemn paused his own life rather than took his own life--and the immortalised frozen embrace of Abdemn and his wife represents the undying will of the people.   The Widow's Brethren hope to one day bring an end to the treacherous Toaccai and restore the ancient ways of Abdemn to the lands by reviving his frozen body. It is not known exactly how the Brethren hope to bring Abdemn to life, but it is speculated that they are utilising silver. The Ebtarrai have a way of using silver to replace body parts which have rotten away, and the silver somehow functions as prosthetics that are controlled by the user. These prosthetics, usually called Gelidis, are rarely seen outside Ebtarrai lands, and are usually wielded by travelling members of the Widow's Brethren.


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