Belval Ethnicity in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Belvals are the Selhavals who come from the eastern end of Syrasha, from the United Provinces of Nahvadas to the Mavsis Kingdom. They believe that Mirvahadh's sacred music died with her, and have forsaken her as their deity. Unlike Eilavals, Belvals live a more down-to-earth existence, focussing on being industrious and prosperous.
  Like all Selhavals, they have pointed ears and very good hearing. Belvals love music and song as much as their neighbours, but do not consider music to be sacred. Their music therefore tends to be more structural and rigid in form, emphasising the beauty of sound and lifetimes of musicianship rather than the spirited displays of the Eilavals. Even though they often look very similar to Eilavals, who dress in bright colours and wear loose clothing suitable for dancing, Belvals favour more form-fitting, less chromatic, and more pragmatic attire. The dominant belief system among the Belvals is Transcendechoism, which is non-theistic and focusses on the Belvals themselves as conduits for greater things.


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