Mirvahadh Character in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Mirvahadh was one of the most powerful Eah. She was a being of sound, sought transience through change and memory, and represented ability. She is associated with Chitinoids and Avians. She did not survive the Enlightenment.

Mirvahadh, The Singer

Mirvahadh cared little about the affairs of the other Eah; she did not wish to control things like Fallasar, she did not long for darkness and silence like Yihyaphem, nor did she long to bring about destruction like Ashurnuq or creation like Cuuhuina. Mirvahadh was carefree before the Fall, and she remained carefree after the Fall. She stayed within the mountain valleys she descended to and she simply sang her own songs with the Selhavals. Over time they began to travel east, west, and south, and they spread her songs far and wide.
  Mirvahadh's death during the Enlightenment had a profound effect on the Selhavals. Those in the western Plains of Song and Gale Pass continued her legacy of singing and music, but over time they forgot the meaning of the words they sung. Those in the southern lands of Gvadhuvasha instead learned to dream her music, as they believed they could reconnect with Mirvahadh within their dreams. Those in the lands of Belvasasha forsook Mirvahadh's songs, though their love for music lives on.


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