Aureates Organization in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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The Aureates are the Reliqus Handulgar of Cjangar. There were five, but Yashistyan was exiled and stripped of his title for killing another Aureate. The remaining three are Han-Jashidan, Han-Nedan, and Han-Castrashan. The residences of Aureates use vibrant yellow candles and flames, which are coloured by a special mixture involving the dead gold skin flakes of Handulgar. These special flames are reserved for royal buildings.   The Aureates operate as both the church and state of the principalities of Cjangar. They are total in their rule, and are intolerant of other religions or movements that might disturb the order of their realms. The original four Aureates were the ones to originally wear the skin of Aasesh, and seek above all else to maintain their own power and godhood. All other Handulgar are descended from one of the Aureates, and Esdulgar are the impure offspring of Handulgars.   During the Dark Earth age, Han-Hasedan was the most popular of the Aureates; wielding his Goldpearl Trident, he brought order and peace to his dominion and was widely loved. His brother, Han-Yashistyan, grew bitterly envious of Han-Hasedan, and one day murdered him and tried to wear Hasedan's golden skin on top of his own golden skin. But the process did not go as expected, and Han-Yashistyan instead gained skin of blackgold. The other Aureates soon discovered what had taken place, and they exiled Yashistyan and removed his title. Yashistyan managed to escape with the Goldpearl Trident, and has since been learning to harness his own blackgold powers, which differ to that of the Aureates. It is not known where Yashistyan hid himself.


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