Gátholíslo / Sylvan Elves Species in Channel Cities and World of Ærnth | World Anvil

Gátholíslo / Sylvan Elves

The Gátholíslo, are often refered to by humans as Sylvan Elves or sometimes even Wood Elves. They tend to be a little smaller than the other elven sub-races, but still tend to be taller than most humans and very light of build. As their name suggests, they tend to dwell in small communities scatterd throughout the more secluded woodlands, being even more reclusive than most of the other elves (except for the Easálíslo)   They tend to have lighter colored hair, usually worn long but tied back or in braids but sometimes worn loose. They usually have green eyes, although blue and grey are also somewhat common. Typically wearing light greys, greens aor light brown clothing and often with leather armor when going into battle.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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