Gethitug Vehicle in Challaria | World Anvil


For the drakiss communities that have aquired the use of Gethubane infusion as a mild stimulant, the gethitug is a welcome arrival at any workplace. True, the freshness of the brew does not play a critical part in the effects - but a hot cup of the freshly brewed beverage is less bitter and it provides a small social occasion and a break from the labours of the day.


Gethitugs vary in their details but are typically hand carts which carry (from front to back) a water supply, a boiler typically powered by charcoal, a collection of infusion vessels and a supply of cups. These last are typically made of metal and secured to the gethitug with short chains. The characteristic jangle they make (not dissimilar to cattle bells) heralds the coming of the vehicle and sees drakiss laying down their tools and moving to the regular stopping points. Individual gethitugs are usually painted white and carry several lanterns both to light their way, provide light for the Gethikiss to prepare and serve as well as to advertise their location. The design of the vehicles has change little over this period - trends in carving and metalwork vary over time and between crews but the layout is consistent. Their size is limited by the weight that a drakiss can move on a handcart for these are almost always solo operations and the steepness of any inclines as well as narrowness of passages also plays a part in local variations. The typical gethitug will carry of the order of 20 cups and enough refreshment for around 100 drakiss before needing to refill their water supply.


They are found in the workings of the drakiss which have adopted the use of Gethubane for stimulent as well as therapeutic use. In practice, this means Sbrithnir's Crew, Hrafkell's Crew and The Morton Drakiss though they are starting to be found elsewhere as the process of inter-crew transfers spreads the habit of drinking the infusion.


The first records of the use of gethitugs date back to the War of Marivo - a struggle between the Monkin-doo and Sbrithnir's Crew in 350SY when provision was made by the Messken for a supply of fresh gethi to be brought to the places where drakiss gangs were labouring to shore up fortifications and repair damage. Thus the gethitugs started off with an official role but this ceased some years later when the needs of the post-war rebuild slackened. At this point some of the Gethkiss went "freelance" abandoning the gang structures to continue this trade and they have remained independent over the following centuries.


Author's Notes

This article was written for SummerCamp 2020 the the prompt "Describe a vehicle in your world that brings joy wherever it arrives.". For more on what I'm trying to do with SummerCamp this year, check out Summer Camp 2020.

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