Wave Ruttiger Character in Cerilia | World Anvil
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Wave Ruttiger

Wave Ruttiger

A Quarter Master in Erin's Crew. He is a supporter of the current Pirate King and after having been through some interesting adventures he has a healthy respect for the man.    Portrait - https://sbeep.tumblr.com/post/155629057389/portrait-commissions-for-dourden-site

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A causal, good looking genasi with a great athletic build. His hair has a certain shine to it and looks so soft while he has webbing between his fingers and toes.

Special abilities

Wave is a very skilled duellist. His ability to skewer his enemies is brutal as he pinpoints weaknesses in their form. Due to this training and his charisma he's able to challenge his enemies and they find it very hard to resist.    As a water genasi he has the ability to:
  • Create and Destroy Water
  • Shape Water
  • Breath air and water
  • Swim speed
Wave's Azari bloodline gives him the following abilities:
  • Iron Will - This scion is tougher than an ordinary person and can power through tougher situation. 
  • Bloodform - This ability changes the body of the scion to better access their blood abilities and natural talents as if it has a will of its own. 
  • Echo of Reason - Has advantage on Charisma checks when talking or singing.

Specialized Equipment

Wave has a heated spear from a Salamander his captain killed and gifted to him. He also uses a heavy crossbow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Always tight with his sister Lorenah, they have been a good team on the sea. Twins to a water and air genasi, they came out as one of each.    As a team they always walk away on top. Or at least they did before Lorenah decided to try and get a bit more greedy and ambitious. It ended with them marooned after a shipwreck. It was good fortune that Masela's Fury came past and picked them up. By the time they made it to a port, they decided to join the crew.   Over time they worked their way up. Lorenah became a first mate and Wave the Quartermaster. Both of them had taken a personal liking to the captain but had always been turned down.    Wave keeps a close eye on his sister. Though not close enough as she betrayed him and the crew again. This time he did not go with her even though she reached out. He'd had enough of her causing trouble for them. He let her go and everyday he worries if it was the right decision or not.    For now he'll stay with the crew because he knows there is a chance she'll return even if it's to try and kill the crew.




Wave has spent most of his life either working in ports or on boats. From there he picked up some skills as a duellist.

Failures & Embarrassments

Wave views his sister's actions as a failure on his part as the older brother.

Mental Trauma

Wave become blooded with Azari's bloodline due to his sister's bad choices. He never blames her but as the bloodline gets stronger it haunts him and gives him great anxiety over the person it will make him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Wave is quite perceptive with an intensity some find intimidating. He likes to observe people and is curious by nature. He plays games with people. His classic move is to play truth or dare with new crew members. If they won't tell him a truth and change to a dare he suggests activities so he can get a measure of their abilities and decision making.

Morality & Philosophy

Wave wants the world to be a fair place for everyone and believes it is important to love others. However, sometimes to make sure the world is fair sometime people need to be removed from it.    Wave never takes risks. He makes them look like risks to others but are actually calculated plays.

Personality Characteristics


Wave always believes in backing the underdog.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very skilled fighter and sailor. He's a good communicator and can often defuse situation before someone gets hurt.    Struggles to take things too seriously.

Likes & Dislikes

Wave loves games and dislikes unfair play.

Virtues & Personality perks

Wave will always be in the corner of the underdog.


Contacts & Relations

Wave is very loyal to Captain Erin Lamvin. He had a crush at one stage but since has grown to admire her as his chosen leader and part of his found family.

Family Ties

Lorenah is his sister and up until recently they were extremely close.


Lorenah Ruttiger

Twin Sister

Towards Wave Ruttiger


Wave Ruttiger

Twin Brother

Towards Lorenah Ruttiger


Current Status
Finding his own identity after the betrayal from his twin sister
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Currently Held Titles
Lorenah Ruttiger (Twin Sister)
Large dark blue eyes
His wavy dark brown hair is twisted into many short, tight braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
blue skin
185 lbs
Lipservice to Neira
Aligned Organization


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