Hebsunet Settlement in Celadia | World Anvil
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Majority of citizens live comfortably, rather in the nobility or military which are well taken care of. Middle class consists of glass makers and maintainers of constructs. Lower class consist of farmers and greenskins, not the property owners that enhance the land with life capable of growing crops, but the harvesters that are treated like slaves.


A single Emir rules the city and the military, acting as king and general. A few close friends of the Emir helps govern different parts of the state, such as finance and agriculture, however the Emir can overrule any decision.


The walls of this city are relatively small, however very deep moats surround the walls extending around the entirety of the city, often covered by a thin layer of sand. This is very effective against the orcs of the Pestilent Wastes who lack tactics. Constructs also defend the city, one of which is the Sphinx of Hebsunet.

Industry & Trade

The city produces a large amount of special glass made from mithril infused sand, trading it to the Kordarum Kingdom in return for constructs and the means to maintain them.


Special sites have been blessed by Vithrien which are maintained by his priests. This is one of the most protected parts of the city due to its close proximity to the Pestilent Wastes. Mines located along the southern part of the city gather sand to make into glass, its main export.


When the The Festering War occurred the majority of the city fled into the Kordarum Kingdom where they helped drive back the hordes of Oflycus. When the war ended Kordara helped re-establish the city, granting them constructs to defend and rebuild the city. Ever since they enjoyed a thriving alliance.


Very reminiscent of Egypt, the centre of the city consisting of pyramids and the main palace similar to the Karnak.


Not to far away from the Kordarum Kingdom, near a massive underground spring.

Natural Resources

The sands are intermingled with grains of mithril, making the sand valuable for a variety of reasons. Glass made of this sand have unique properties, among which are its affinity to be enchanted, while also being the only substance able to successfully contain Kordium.
Alternative Name(s)
Dark skinned humans, few greenskins
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations

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