Vithrine (Life) Character in Celadia | World Anvil
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Vithrine (Life)


God of Life. Brother of Liranan, married to Istria, father to Mortone, Malrana and Hemrada. Rules over the the plane of Elysium.

Divine Domains

Life and creation.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A sun with a star in the centre.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Often shown as a graceful and humble man with copper skin and gentle smile. Often shown with a shining sun in the background.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the beginning had a contest to see who claimed the right to become the god of creation and marry the goddess Istria. He won the challenge and became ruler of Elysium.

Morality & Philosophy

Encourages his followers to believe and practice that all life is sacred and worth protecting. Believes that all life is equal from the mightiest king to the wild beast, and desires all to live in harmony with each other. However inspires his followers to rout out corruption and evil with extreme prejudice and without mercy, especially in the case of devils, demons and the chaos gods.
Divine Classification
Greater God
Lawful Good
Current Residence
Radiant Blue
Lush White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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