Carminba Day of the flood
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Day of the flood

Disaster / Destruction


Monsters of the river, were once beasts of burden used by the Yellow Pearl Hunters to pull forth their ships. Until the sea serpent got angry and revolted against his masters. The great sea serpent made a large leap out of the water, when the beast crashed back into the waters, the impact caused massive tidal waves. Which caused Rubigo city to get flooded during the most important festival in Mythica, the citizens of the city drowned during this flood.   Now it's believed that the ghosts of those who drowned are still on the island, and that they are seeking revenge on the living. Because everybody who sets foot on that island is never seen again. It is also believed that the monsters of the River are still Roaming the waters around the Yellow pearl beach. Some also claim that they rarely appear in the small lake in at the center of the island. Which would imply that there is an underwater tunnel connecting the lake with the larger river.

Related Location
Cursed Island
Related timelines & articles
Timeline Of Mythica