Clumbish Ethnicity in Carminba | World Anvil
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The Leatherleaf Clumbfoot, also called Hanging tree. It is a deadly plant created to protect itself and the rest of the Forest of Tears. The trees have their own language and their own culture.

Their Culture

The trees can not move, but they are communicating. This communication can happen between the trees on upside sides of the forest. The Trees are standing in a group. The largest tree in the middle is called a mother tree. Her nuts didn't fall far from her. The nuts that didn't grow into trees are food for the forest animals. The oldest of her children will provide her with grandchildren when she is gone.  


Naming traditions

The names of the trees, can't be spoken by humans. But the trees know what the name of every hanging tree in the forest. In the Clumbish. the trees have often tree names.
  • Tilyr
  • Elmfury
  • Aldertip
  • Busin
  • Walnutsplint
  • Dark Chestnut
  Rest of the names:


Information that normally would end up in sidebar

Main Language

Language of the Trees

Related Location

Forest of Tears

Next to read

Cover image: by jplenio


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